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10/6/2014 6:46:16 PM

Game Theory! :D

Disclaimer: While I am not religious myself, I found this to be a cool concept of Destiny's framework. I'm not trying to start a religious debate/argument. Just having fun thinking up a game theory. So, Bungie and Community. I have a theory for you. Take some time off from the generally dismal forums, and let's be creative together! Now, as many of you know, Bungie is known for implementing many things relating to Christianity and Norse Mythology in their games. The whole Halo series was riddled with these undertones. Now, we've stepped away from the Halo series, but can these references to Christianity/Norse Myth still be found in Destiny? My answer: Yes! In fact, I have a game theory for you. [b]What if this whole game was set up to resemble [u]The Rapture[/u]?[/b] Now, this may sound a tad bit crazy, but think of this: The Traveler is the personification of Jesus Christ. Now, is this starting to come together a bit more? What if I told you that Ghosts could be viewed as our [u]Guardian[/u] Angels? Reviving us so we can help, as soldiers, to attack the darkness. There are still many holes in this theory, but if you even consider the basic cliche of light vs. dark, this has potential. I mean, hell, look at the name for the first enemies you face. The Fallen. I would greatly appreciate it if people of the community give feedback on this. If anyone has anything to add to this so it can further adapt, please comment your thoughts! I'd love to see if this goes much deeper than what I've proposed. Thanks, everyone.

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