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Bearbeitet von x AN6RY SMURF x: 10/20/2014 8:10:33 PM

Decode Engrams to the Decoding Class

Yes, engrams should match to the decoding class


No, I enjoy getting gear my character can't use


When decoding engrams, they should only decode to the class that earned and is decoding the engram. I have yet to find anything more frustrating in this game than getting an engram that decodes into gear that is bound to a different class. If I'm a Warlock, why would my hard-earned engrams decode to gear for a Titan? It's poor design. And no, I don't want to level up another character so that I can use it. Say I create a Titan so I can use the gear decoded by my Warlock. What's to say that an engram found by the Titan wouldn't decode to gear for a Hunter? Rinse and repeat. Politely sharing my utter frustration at getting high-level gear I can't use.

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