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10/28/2014 3:35:14 PM

Destiny devs are killing our fun

Look this is simple......we are not all 14 years old....alot of us are adults that pay please can somebody from the dev team tell us all why you are listening to all the kids crying about weapons and other bullshit....I have absolutely no interest in playing the crucible....its shit....simple as that....all my friends just play strikes etc etc and to be honest we are at the point of all turning off and looking elsewhere.....its getting out of hand changing everything and your hole your digging is getting deeper.....this game is nearly complete shite and all the haters can comment all they like....I SIMPLY DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR OPINIONS....just stop with the changes....they are not as welcome as you all think....but you wont know that cos your only listening to the kids still living with their parents.....who do you think provides the money .........we do....the parents . BUNGIE...YOU ARE A MASSIVE LETDOWN AND JUST LIKE DICE.....JUST DRIVING PEOPLE AWAY WITH THESE STUPID DESCISIONS AND RUINING A GAME WE WAS HAPPY WITH TO so so so glad I took the descision NOT to buy the dlc's till I see proof of it being worth far I dont see any reason to invest any more money in a game thats going downhill already.....hahaha and you say its a ten year investment !!!!! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE

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