So... the layout of the forums has been slightly changed.. split into different categories to make it easier to find what you're looking for.
I propose that they add a new section for the weekly visit of XuR. Because we all know, everyone in the game who "legitimately earned" their weapon is going to cry for two straight days about XuR selling it. Because when XuR sells the weapon, somehow it alters the effectiveness of the weapon for them and ruins their life because their weapon just won't work the same any more. It just hasn't got the edge in crucible anymore because everyone owns it. It just doesn't do the same damage in pve anymore because....
Wait what? There's absolutely no difference, you moaning, childish, self entitled babies.
You know for a fact, he's coming back next friday. You know for a fact, he's going to sell something you thought made you special. I personally suggest you go to a library and take out a dictionary / thesaurus and learn to articulate your incessant whining a little bit more, give us more of an interesting read.
Agree with me, Disagree with me...
Call me names, Tell me i'm awful at life and should do everyone a favour and end it...
Either way, if you comment, this post got to you. You're either agreeing, or you know that it's right and it's offended you so you're going to insult me.
[spoiler]I pity the fool who thinks he's special[/spoiler]
EDIT1: Oh, and please don't forget to point out any spelling or grammatical errors in my post. I'm always happy to learn from my mistakes. :-)
I don't think people realise that spending 23 coins, that were earned is the same thing as a loot drop
Hawkmoon wooooooooo