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7/23/2014 5:43:17 AM

Sharing Vanguard/Crucible Resources

This may have been posted already, sorry if it has been. So, I see that Glimmer is shared between your characters, and that the vault allows characters to share and transfer weapons, vehicles, and even emblems, and materials. But Vanguard Marks, Crucible Marks, and their respective reputations are not shared; they're unique to each of your characters. I feel, or to be honest, I would prefer that the Vanguard and Crucible resources were also shared between my characters. I understand that I could easily have one character that focuses on PVE, and another on PVP, and then have each buy from their respective venders, and then share the loot in the vault. But what if I like to PVP and PVE on all my characters? Let’s say I have a Titan, Hunter, and a Warlock; they each have a Crucible Reputation of 2, and 50 Crucible Marks (Random numbers). From what I've seen, 50 Crucible Marks won't buy you anything from Shaxx. Most of the gear in Beta cost 150 marks, while the sparrows cost 175. In addition, higher reputation unlocks more "powerful" gear. So comparing these 3 characters, to another person who decided to have only ever PVP with one of their characters; that character would have 150 marks, and a reputation of around 4 or 5+? Not only will this guy have more "powerful" gear available to him, he'll also have enough marks to potentially buy something. Now, perhaps the purpose behind this decision was to have each guardian be unique, even amongst your account. But if that's the case, why bother sharing glimmer and loot at all? I feel that between having unique characters, and having a shared experience, it feels a little... stuck in the middle? So rather than half assing both sides, why not fully ass one of them? For reference, my vote goes to fully sharing everything. Now this can also be applied to other things like story missions: "If you want to share everything, should we share story mode progress too?" To that, I can understand splitting that. But again, this is just my 2 cents about the game. Really I'd just like to see Crucible Marks and Reputation shared so I don't have to force myself to choose one PVP character. Perhaps this is just laziness. =P Rant done. Thanks for reading.

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