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Bearbeitet von Mulchman: 11/27/2014 2:29:04 AM

Iron Banner reflection from a PvP scrub

I really enjoyed Iron Banner. It brought a bunch of friends back to the game, and also helped me get my 3rd character to 30. But, I suck at PvP. I'm awful. If I wasn't playing with friends who could carry me, I would never have been able to get close to level 5. Anyway, here are some thoughts both good and bad, from a complete PvP scrub: * need to be able to carry more than 5 medallions. I had a streak of 12 losses at one point... I told you I was bad. Blind Watch had a lot to do with this. * Blind Watch is still not fun. Perhaps move B up the stairs so it's a tad closer to A? * player levels need to matter more. I've put days of PvE play time in to get two guys to 30 and another to 29 but good level 22 guys still wrecked me. [b]It actually felt like having a maxed weapon, even if green/blue, is all that mattered.[/b] * auto rifles need to be addressed. They're way too effective. I did best with the Mythoclast, but anyone with an auto rifle that could aim always out gunned me. * bounties need to change daily. Several of these were impossible for me to complete either from sucking or not having a maxed weapon of the type required from the bounty. 10 kills in a row? lol. Auto rifle headshots? Suros isn't maxed. * Tempered buff was awesome! I squeeked into level 5 on the last day. * I loved being able to reforge weapons. I blew all my motes and scrambled towards the end to try and get more. Still didn't get a roll I wanted for any of the guns, but I'll be stacked with motes next time around. * everybody wants the short bus ship, me included. Drop it more? Let us buy it? Anyway, 10/10 would play again. I hope IB returns and that the developers keep refining it each time.

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