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Bearbeitet von SFA iRussian: 1/23/2015 8:45:36 PM

New Raid Primarys - Hidden Modifier

I was just in the hard mode raid and I got the new auto rifle, abyss defiant. I usually don't use higher rof rifles due to the low impact, but I thought I would give this one a try since it has focused fire. I took it farming on the usual spot on moon for some glimmer. We all know that one spot. Then something happened...i got a legendary engram. I never get engrams, much less legendaries. People always say "oh. It's about how many you kill, not the level of them." apparently is about what weapons you use. I got the first engram on the 20th or so kill. I kinda freaked out because, like I said, I never get anything. I kept killing them and killing them, and I got to about 250 kills. Got another legendary. At this point I was trying to see if it was just another disappointment at the cryptarch. The first one I turned in, I got a vanguard pulse rifle with glasshalffull, time on target. Kinda disappointed because I never use pulse rifles. I turned in the second engram, and got a Dragons Breath. This thing is so worthless. One of the upgrades increase the tube to 3 rockets which is standard with the truth, and the other is a weak solar flare, comparable to the solar grenades a warlock uses. Those perks for an exotic? Just pitiful. Hopefully the next engram I get will be a second exotic. I don't know if all of the new raid Primarys increase the drop rate for engrams, but I know the AR gave me two within 300 kills. Bungie. Deej. Who ever the hell reads this. Don't nerf this. Okay?

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