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Bearbeitet von tisMAXIMUS: 1/24/2015 5:33:13 PM

No Variety No Fun

So I finally managed to complete the Moon Raid on hard difficulty on my hunter and warlock and was lucky enough to receive the sparrow from defeating Crota. Ecstatic about my new reward I headed straight to patrol Earth to see my new sparrow in action. I switched my Time Breaker out, placed the new one in and off I went. And at that moment I thought I must have mis-clicked and left the Time Breaker in the slot, but no. The Graverobber, although re-skinned is literally the EXACT same thing as the Venus raid sparrow. Now I know it's just a sparrow, however I did pay money for this dlc and kind of expect to see some new things from it. I mean come on, where's the variety, where's the creativity?!? No new flames? No new speed cap? No new durability? New designs don't seem to be a thing for Bungie, re-skinning guns, ships, armour, pretty much everything is the only way to go... P.s. The hard raid primary weapons are pretty cool, but I feel like 4 cool looking weapons is not enough in my opinion.

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