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Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Serin Palmer: 2/7/2015 3:42:09 AM

How to be pro in crucibe

Step 1) Equip swordbreaker in your primary slot [b] NOTE:(Your game may label your primary slot as "special weapon" Ignore this. It is a typo)[/b] Step 2) Equip Thorn as your sidearm [b]NOTE: (Another typo lables sidearms as primary weapons. Again ignore this)[/b] Step 3)Equip your class' sticky grenades Step 4) Run around like a headless chicken. Remember your grenades are your primary weapon dont bother with aimng them , they do that for you. Use your Swordbreaker as backup for your grenades and then thorn for those particularly desprate moments. Step 5) Rack up assists and participation medals until you win regardless of your K/D Step 6) Sip the tears of everyone who uses stupid ineffective tactics like "skill" and "Aiming" and "teamwork"

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