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Edited by FoMan123: 3/3/2015 12:05:07 AM

What is the funniest way you have died or seen someone die in destiny ?

What is the funniest death you have had or seen ?

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  • I got hit with a Phalanx's shield and flew practically into Orbit.

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    Iron banner on pantheon some guy was around B at the ledge where you jump off to get heavy ammo, I shot him, I got shot and died from another guy, he slipped off and died. xD

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  • Dreg on a pike from the moon. Ran me over. Took me out. Reputation destroyed. Humiliated beyond repair. I will say no more

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    • I always try to make sure I get to 8900 Xp three or four times before I actually complete the bounty.

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      • When I first started playing the game back in october, I was at the ember caves on venus about to do a public event. Well at that time I didn't know where the falling walker drops so I was literally standing where it drops looking around for the event then all of a sudden it dropped right on top of me and of course killing me instantly. Very embarrassing to say the least.

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      • I was on my sparrow in the beginning of the archon strike going through where the walker event is in time for some other guardians to blow him to pieces and one of his legs flew straight at me and knocked me off the map lol

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      • Playing trials im dead watching the guy that killed me. Team mate throws a lightning gernade behind him and the enemy player runs over it. Imediate ragdoll. But tho top it off the other guy we play with said "bruh" right as he ragdolled lolz for dayz

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      • Friend had heavy and activated gg then i blinked and blink striked him then it said: xxcaptainnugtjrxx[spoiler]lol[/spoiler]is down lol wtf

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      • I was helping these kids do VoG and I was doing my part, destroying oracles so after a while people started dying. Keep in mind they were level 34's. I NEVER died once besides when we had to wipe and they start blaming me for failing. My friend piped up on the mic and said to one of the other guys: Ooh it's someone's time of month again! I bursted into tears laughing and so we start oracles again, and then I realized one player was afk. The douchebaggy player so I glided like batman and with swift justice I solar winded him. He later comes back on the mic being salty and he said: Hey guess what?! What? GET KICKED!!!! After a moment of silence I then remebered that I was fire team leader. After laughing a good bit of this I then asked him what do you do with a soccer ball. The end:D

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        • So, let's just say I was getting quite mad at my team during crota. So as the only Titan in the group, instead of going to place the Titan bubble on right side, I just stand with everyone else ready to shoot rockets. Right when the Swordbearer said "Fire" I just placed my bubble and that all blew themselves up. then just leaving the game.

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          • The other day in Poe 28 (or 32 I don't remember) me and my friend blink struck a phalanx at the exact same time, but both hit his shield so this time [i]he[/i] goes flying backwards. Lol'ed so hard

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          • Never makes me giggle inside more than watching a bladedancer super right off a cliff

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            • Twilight Gap. Yesterday I was in a gun fight with a thorn for zone A rightI after heavy dropped run outside to the spawn point to heal and hopefully set up a shotgun ambush. As I hang a hard right, while trying to pull my shotty, I end up pulling my rocket launcher. About the time it appears in my hands, I spot an enemy sniping from the long upper railway covering across the map and zone B. About the time I spot him, he turns and sees me looking at him. We'll in what must have been a panic, he hip fires and then jumped off the map. I guess he didn't want me to get the kill so he chose his own terms... If he only knew I had no rockets....

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            • Went to wreck all of the near-dead captains halfway through omnigul's strike with blade dancer, ended up dancing off the cliff since I came at them from up the stairs on the right lol

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            • While holding the relic in VoG.. But with a little broken movement stick why you keep walking forward a little... I just walked over the edge... Laughed but still annoying

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            • I was killed by my fatebringer. Shot a dregs like 2 feet away from me I die and my body is highlighted "killed by architect"........."wait WTF!"

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            • Carrying super nooby friend through nightfall on the nexus at the nexus fight. Friend: "Hey guys could you answer a question really quickly." Me: "Sure" Friend: "Since the nexus can't meele and only shot can't I just stand under him and shoot?" Me and my other non nooby friend are holding back laughter at the fact that he doesn't know the nexus can meele and how hilarious watching him die will be. Me: "Oh yeah man, that's a great idea, can't believe I didn't think of it but you should go try it." My friend then goes over to him and obviously dies because he gets meeled. Best part is about a month ago he finally figured out that hydras can meele after seeing me commit suicide by hugging the Templar

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            • Throwing a fusion grenade at an enemy in PvE, then running towards that enemy for some reason.

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            • I was in crucible and i was running around with shotty and saw on the radar a blip behind me. I quickly start turning around and i hear BOOM and see a body flop around the corner and see my titan friend walk through the door and he just says "Sup". I cracked up

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              Warsat landing on them lol.

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            • A panda being so obese, the fat waves went to his brain and put him in a food coma

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            • I once pushed my whole team off the platform at the Templar part. It was amazing, 5 minutes later... I got kicked. Totally worth it.

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              • Went to do a barrel roll on my sparrow. Fell off sparrow. Sparrow catapulted off of a rock. Sparrow hits me. I get thrown into a wall at high speed. Guardian down.

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                • Today threw my grenade was shot midair killing me

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                • We just started the vault and I died before the enemies despawned at the spire. Everyone races to the first chest leaving me behind so I hop on my sparrow and get down to the chest to find the entire team huddled around it. I position my sparrow and repeatedly spammed the side swipe and pushed all but 1 fireteam members off the ledge. It was funny at the time.

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                • Edited by JarodColdbreak: 6/9/2015 12:38:08 AM
                  This: (3:27, already set in link) Epic faceplant. Love how his head hits the ground and his ass goes up like: My body is ready! Had to look twice to check if that really happened. Video has music so be careful if your volume is up.

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