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Edited by mackenziejoy: 5/1/2015 10:29:51 PM

Sexism in destiny!

anybody seeing an insane amount of sexism on these forums? i am a man. but i started playing in my wifes psn account, so i get the brunt of a lot of this. what makes you think girls are bad at video games? my wife destroys me at every other game. i ran a strike with two women, and they dominated. are you little boys just jealous girls are better than you? what is this, Colonial times? it seems like people with girly or female PSN names are not even acknowledged let alone respected. so why are so many people acting this way? just play the game! people WILL be better than you, and some of them will be girls.

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  • What women lack in gaming ability they certainly make up in vacuuming skills

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    • I think most of the sexism is imaginary. I've found if a guy is going to be a dick, he's going to be one to everyone. Not just women. I also think there are generally low expectations for women based on gender stereotypes. But..that still doesn't make it sexist.

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      • Edited by IDontGethIt: 5/3/2015 12:30:10 AM
        First of all, Misleading title. Secondly [quote]are you little boys just jealous girls are better than you?[/quote] Now THAT is sexism. Thirdly. [quote]so why are so many people acting this way?[/quote] Because clearly people have different opinions on women. [spoiler]I'm not sexist, It's just that OP is stupid[/spoiler]

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      • The only sexism I have seen is girls literally demanding to be carried through raids because they are girls. And using their gender to extort other favours from men.

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      • If women stop having sex with men who are sexist they will not have the chance to pass on their sexist ideals to their sons and will die out. Problem solved. Women have all the power!

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      • Edited by ReactedTugBoat: 5/3/2015 3:06:12 PM
        This is more of an issue of sexism in society, but the concept is the same. Why can't we all just realize that we're all humans, no matter our race, gender, or sexual orientation? While the problems are not nearly as present in society as they were fifty years ago, In fact they're almost nonexistent in first world countries, some Asian, African, and middle eastern countries need some serious help

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      • Think this issue of sexism in video games needs to die, seems a lot of people cough cough Anita, are making good livings out of a totally first world problem, I think the white knights and sjw should take their echo chambers to Bahrain, Saudi Arabia or some other ultra oppressive nation and see how far your views get you

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        5 Replies
        • There are girls on destiny? 0_0 Are you telling me some of those female guardians aren't guys?? O_O Haha kidding. I've never come across one when setting up raid teams. I would actually like to see more girls playing this game to change things up a little.

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        • When girls game, they typically stop and take the time to absorb every fine detail, and will hesitate to shoot at the enemy. When guys game, they play to win (ASAP), and would love to see someone's legs fly off after you nade them. Also love talking to friends while playing. Overall- Girls-play games to enjoy and/or make money on twitch Guys-play games to win/progress, and to have a good time with friends.

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          • I rarely, rarely come across sexism. I have a female character, a female name which everyone pronouces wrong (Sierra *rolls eyes*) I go with pickup groups every week, talk plenty in regards to strategy and callouts. I've only ever had one problem. The dude wasn't even playing Destiny and just joined the party during crota to chat with his friend and started hitting on me. Everyone else has had no issue when they find out I am a women and go on as normal. Although I have received random friend requests, but unless I have played with you and think your a cool person, it will be declined. I even had one guy who would not send me a friend request because he did not want me to think he added me just because I'm a girl. (which he never told me till later) So I added him and now we are 2 manning crota, iron banner, etc. I don't know if it is the playerbase, but I think PS4 users are more mature.

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            • I completely agree. I once got in a CE hard. we had a level 30 female player, as well as a bunch of 32s. And we wiped 3 times because of one of the 32's.. he blamed it on the female level 30 who Never died by anything but the Oversoul. We wiped because everyone was killing Thrall instead of the swordbearer. He said.. "kick the 30, because she's an underlevelled girl so she can't be good" .. its just -blam!-ed up how people's minds work. I play with more female players than male players because it's always more fun, they usually have more skill, better personalities (no offense guys) but it's true. Female players have a place in Destiny as well.. they shouldn't be afraid to speak in a fireteam because of the fact that they're female. I got in another one the other day, and one player wasn't speaking at all.. and the guys in the group were speaking for her (they were pretty close friends) and eventually.. I said, "can K speak? Or can they just hear us?" And they said she can speak.. and I said, " oh I see.. don't be afraid to talk because you think I'm gonna leave or insult the fact that you're a girl" and she said, "oh.. okay. That's good, you never know" and it's just messed up that it's a problem.

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              • My wife kicks ass in Tetris, Animal Crossing and any Lego game y'all mother-blam!-ers better recognize.

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                • Yes there actually is a lot to be honest

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                • The worst is when even the others GIRLS get upset at eachother for having girly gamer tags. Acting like they are some elite race better than the rest of their gender. They get all angry because they meet another female gamer and suddenly they dont get all the attention anymore. Like they are some special snowflake. Seen plenty of posts on here about how some female gamers hate other female gamers because "blah blah blah.....i am better"

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                • It's all about insecurity a man has to feel like a man so only pussy lil dick -blam!- get insecure around woman

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                • I'm just here to play video games

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                • I play with a raid group pretty regularly, so we basically know what to do without talking. Im the odd man out, the other 5 know eachother irl. Anyways the only time ive 'played' with girls is when the husbands were playing but the wives were on the mic. Shit was hillarious haha.

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                  • Idk but I get alota friend requests simply cuz I'm a girl...

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                    • Edited by RoseScythe: 5/2/2015 4:33:29 AM
                      This post has inspired me to voice my concern over an even greater injustice that runs rampant on these toxic forums. [url][/url]

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                      • Whine whine whine.

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                      • i blame themedia

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                      • I think I have only played destiny with 2 female players. Piles of whiney bitches that clearly lost their bits somewhere early in life but yea... only 2 women. :-/ And for the record.... both were/ are better than I. ;)

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                        • I dont care If you have a dick is not just play the damn game

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                          • 2/10

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                            • I think you are stirring up a shit pot for absolutely no reason. Please leave political special interests off a game

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                              • Probably cuz ur on play station and psn community is crap :)

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