I don't care about this game, it isn't too violent. What really pisses me off are 6 year olds with GTA V.
I'm 23 and I'll never forget when I first a Monty Python film...I was 9. I may be a weird mothatrucka but I don't cause any problems. Worst thing this game will do for a kid is next time they need to write a paper they will write: "Sorry teacher, I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to do this report."
Ur a retard to say I can't play the game because I'm 12
im 14 so im good :)
I played halo (a rated M game over destiny's T rating) when I was about 8, I turned out alright
My planet needs me
People who are so try hard that they break stuff and go on rants need meds but i happen to be a 12 year old with no problems and this is one of my hobbies to play destiny with friends
I'm 14 and I'm not like that ;"(
You think Destiny taught those kids the mom jokes? They probably see movies or their parents use that kind of language and so they pick it up. Destiny isn't that bad, its really no worse than Star Wars. Why don't you try and ban 10 year olds from seeing Marvel movies since they're also violent and PG-13?
What if I was 14 but had a speech impediment and my voice would sound messed up?
Ever shot a cabal in the head with a sniper? It sure looks like blood comes out to me. Then look at the ground near said cabal and it is soaked in black liquid that looks suspiciously like blood.
I agree. Throwing a controller is out of order.
Stop being a pedo luring kids to message back
A person of any age is legally allowed to play this game. If they are under 13, a guardian must purchase it for them, but they are allowed to play it. Therefore your post is pointless and any reports you make only look bad on yourself and will and should get yourself flagged.
All of you num nuts have no idea you're being trolled.
Please kill yourself
It's only a suggestion as to who should play the game but all are welcome
The rating system, sadly, is only a suggestion. Not a legal minimum such as driving, drinking, smoking, or voting.
I kinda agree because young kids can get real annoying.
I can't help but agree with this person I won't go to reporting unless deserved but I've noticed this as well kids now a days ate being poorly raised if I acted like if these kids do now I wouldn't be here paying this I'd be six feet under pushing up daisies now some kids ate able to know what's right and wedding but most are letting the violence get to then and ate turning out to be little shits I don't blame the kids I blame there parents for bit raising them properly
He's returned!
Looks like Longface is back!! And he failed in this post because he/she (most likely she) didn't give us any reasons as to why she would want to do this! Even if she did, it's easy to refute this...
Longface is back everybody. Up to his/ her usual antics. Move along, no lollygaggin.
The reason these kids speak and act like this is because they were obviously raised terribly. Their parents bought them the game in the first place, so there is no reason they shouldnt be responsible for their childs behaviour and actions. I play gta5, and there are so many 8 year old squeakers playing that game its unbelievable. Their parents actually bought them a game thats rated mature!
Can't tell if you're the same longface who walked these forums long ago during vanilla Destiny or not