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originally posted in: Exotic Weapon Ideas
6/24/2015 5:11:25 PM
Weapon Type: Side Arm Exotic (duh) As you know the average reload and stability ect. With slower rate of fire and magazine is 10 Name: Slowshot First perk: rangefinder Middle tree perks: speed reload, hand loaded, snapshot (trying to be like bungie here and make some perks less wanted to force the player to aim towards a specific perk) (psn players dont hate bc this seems like a copy of the hawkmoon, and im an xbox player) Exotic perk: Stopping Power 2 random bullets suppress enemy shot at, and deal little lingering damage (kinda like khepri's sting that deals tiny amount of lingering damage) Tell me what you think about this, personally the name is a little stupid :/ if you think so than reply a name you think is better

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