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1/13/2009 4:25:49 PM

Grizzly Man (Disturbing Images and Audio, Not intended for younger viewers)

[quote]This may be fake.[/quote] I'm sure some people have heard of Timothy Treadwell, aka Grizzly Man. He made his own documentary on bears. It became a hit and was called Grizzly Man Diaries. But this man risked his life every day to help care for bears. He lived with bears. He was kinda like that guy who lived with wolfs, but he replaced wolves with Grizzly Bears. He and his girlfriend had a tragic death. It was the day before they left the bears. They were attacked. Eaten alive. To this day people still wonder what provoked the bears. Some say since it was close to hibernation, they wanted to store fat for the winter. Here is the audio of the attack, but there may be some parts that were edited. The raw, 6 minute video is held by Tim's ex-girlfriend. No, it doesn't have any pop ups. I garauntee you, this is the most disturbing thing you'll ever hear, it'll make it even worse if you see the images of it. [url=]Man gets eaten alive by bears.[/url] Those sounds you hears, are the bears growling and bones cracking, with a little bit of rain. (Not intended for younger children. Seriously, If you are too young, don't watch it. It may even give grown men nightmares and wet beds for a week.) Here is what is though to be the photo. But then again, this could be any drunkard playing with a bear with some friends. [url=]I think this is him[/url] Unless you are over 17, it is highly suggested that you don't see this, but what the heck, click the link. You've probably seen worse in movies. But keep in mind this is real stuff. (Note: Some say this may have been edited. I have no idea.) [Edited on 01.15.2009 4:26 PM PST]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duality7654 [quote] That's no shotgun blast. [/quote] a rocket launcher perhaps? or maybe a lazor? definitely doesn't look like an animal did it, unless it feasts upon the crotches of its prey.[/quote] Look at the torn muscles on the left hamstring... or pretty much anywhere else. That was an animal. Also, I'll say it one more time since I'm already here: The picture is from a completely unrelated site, though is real. The audio wasn't realeased to the public, and won't be. [Edited on 01.15.2009 8:28 PM PST]

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  • Ahhhh! Ewww!

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  • Im really not grossed out easily, but I think thats the most -blam!- up thing Ive ever heard.

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  • I think I'm going to be sick...

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  • [quote] That's no shotgun blast. [/quote] a rocket launcher perhaps? or maybe a lazor? definitely doesn't look like an animal did it, unless it feasts upon the crotches of its prey.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duality7654 Also the leg looks it was propped up just for the photo and from the look of the carnage in the photo it looks like a VERY close range shotgun blast to the crotch, imo.[/quote] That's no shotgun blast.

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  • Gross.

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  • Also the leg looks it was propped up just for the photo and from the look of the carnage in the photo it looks like a VERY close range shotgun blast to the crotch, imo.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Duality7654 I don't know if anyone noticed but in the photo the guy who got owned is black (no offense to anyone), look at the skin tone, the guy who was killed by the bear is white. The photo is from some other random event, but the story of the guy getting killed by the bear is real.[/quote] Good observation.

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  • I don't know if anyone noticed but in the photo the guy who got owned is black (no offense to anyone), look at the skin tone, the guy who was killed by the bear is white. The photo is from some other random event, but the story of the guy getting killed by the bear is real.

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  • The cuddly look of bears throws people off. All those teddy bears and Care Bears mask the fact that bears could easily toss a human around, knock a head off of shoulders with a swipe, and easily strip your muscles from your good arm before you can even raise it in a pitiful defense. I pity this guy, but he must have been some kind of idiot to think that he could live with Grizzly bears. And I think the video and photo were fake. If a bear mauled a person, they wouldn't head for the crotch, they draw themselves to their full height to attack.

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  • [url=]The one person who can truly survive a bear attack[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jessica416 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] neoshogun [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HyperWiz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ClickB If you want disturbing video [well, a picture with an audio], [url=]click this video. Watch the last 30 seconds if your lazy.[/url][/quote] Woah, wtf. That was intense...[/quote] *Shudders* Dude... I'm going to have a hell of a time sleeping tonight. Thanks, Flood. >_>[/quote] Life is life. The flood just brings out some of its nastier aspects. The 9/11 one was sad and disturbing.[/quote]What is the video? I'm kinda scared to watch it.[/quote] It's a man speaking then... you here him scream right as the towers come crashing down. It's not scarey, it's sad and terrible.

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  • Would grenades be considered "practical" for bear hunting? *sacrasm* [Edited on 01.15.2009 5:06 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zealot of Law [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 i no there r i was quoting dirty harry and plz tell me u were joking cuz if u havent heard tyhat quote my god[/quote] Sorry dude, I have but the Quote evaded me. Oh okay I didn't read the, "Do you feel lucky" part my bad. [/quote] its kool

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  • Those screams just have a... fake kinda of tone. If it is him screaming then I'm sorry to have insulted him.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 i no there r i was quoting dirty harry and plz tell me u were joking cuz if u havent heard tyhat quote my god[/quote] Sorry dude, I have but the Quote evaded me. Oh okay I didn't read the, "Do you feel lucky" part my bad. [Edited on 01.15.2009 4:56 PM PST]

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  • i no there r i was quoting dirty harry and plz tell me u were joking cuz if u havent heard tyhat quote my god

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zealot of Law [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 well men grabb the rifles were goin to kill these ungodly beasts[/quote] Bear season is over unfortunately, To bad I really wanted to tag me a Bear this year, YUM Bear sausage. The only reason this guy died is because he forgot that bears are still wild animals and not his family or friends, much like Sigfried and Roy figured out with a Tiger. Respect a Wild Animal give it its space. If you ever go to a bear populated area, take something to deter bears such as bear repelant mace. Learn to use the Bear lockers at the camp grounds. And if you must a bring a Gun bring a High Cal. Pistol or a shotgun with slugs just don't be idiots with them. Guns need respect also. [/quote] I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, bear?[/quote] Actually .44 Magnum isn't maybe its the most powerful hand gun commercially available, but there are .60 hand guns out there. Trying to find Ammo would be a -blam!-. [Edited on 01.15.2009 4:53 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Terps356 Looks like Colbert was right.[/quote] What about the black hole in the center of the galaxy? We will just have to wait on that one... Edit: Wait, didn't he pardon the black hole? [Edited on 01.15.2009 4:52 PM PST]

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  • I live with Humans, its very dangerous.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Zealot of Law [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 well men grabb the rifles were goin to kill these ungodly beasts[/quote] Bear season is over unfortunately, To bad I really wanted to tag me a Bear this year, YUM Bear sausage. The only reason this guy died is because he forgot that bears are still wild animals and not his family or friends, much like Sigfried and Roy figured out with a Tiger. Respect a Wild Animal give it its space. If you ever go to a bear populated area, take something to deter bears such as bear repelant mace. Learn to use the Bear lockers at the camp grounds. And if you must a bring a Gun bring a High Cal. Pistol or a shotgun with slugs just don't be idiots with them. Guns need respect also. [/quote] I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, bear?

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  • Dang... nearly 150 posts.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nikerulez222 well men grabb the rifles were goin to kill these ungodly beasts[/quote] Bear season is over unfortunately, To bad I really wanted to tag me a Bear this year, YUM Bear sausage. The only reason this guy died is because he forgot that bears are still wild animals and not his family or friends, much like Sigfried and Roy figured out with a Tiger. Respect a Wild Animal give it its space. If you ever go to a bear populated area, take something to deter bears such as bear repelant mace. Learn to use the Bear lockers at the camp grounds. And if you must a bring a Gun bring a High Cal. Pistol or a shotgun with slugs just don't be idiots with them. Guns need respect also.

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  • Sweet. I love seeing (and hearing now) this kind of stuff. Oh, and an odd fake commercial [url=]may be found here[/url].

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] neoshogun [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cortana 5 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HyperWiz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ClickB If you want disturbing video [well, a picture with an audio], [url=]click this video. Watch the last 30 seconds if your lazy.[/url][/quote] Woah, wtf. That was intense...[/quote] *Shudders* Dude... I'm going to have a hell of a time sleeping tonight. Thanks, Flood. >_>[/quote] Life is life. The flood just brings out some of its nastier aspects. The 9/11 one was sad and disturbing.[/quote]What is the video? I'm kinda scared to watch it.

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