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6/27/2015 7:27:50 AM
[b][UPDATE][/b] [b]We have 400+ votes supporting (currently almost 70% agree) but few likes/upvotes, remember to like the thread to help raise awareness. [/b] I have provided a link to 2 videos for the aware and unaware to watch below, they are brutally accruate if you can take the time to watch, Short video <5min [url][/url] Longer video (9:00 - 26:00 is Destiny related) A quick mention on a couple of things: 1.) VIP rewards actually require you to purchase TTK to get them, so if you didn't want to or for some reason couldn't get TTK but liked Destiny, you WILL NOT get your special snowflake black shader, emblem and sparrow. This is disgusting and a way to make people purchase the expansion, even though TTK looks great you cant announce special s--t for year 1 players but say 'you only get it if you pay'. 2.) [b](IMPORTANT LINK)[/b]After the weekly update we now know absolutely NOTHING more about "something better" except for the fact that it exists. What we DID get was a game trying to sell us even more things with a $20 upgrade fee on top of the $40 if you just like collecting all the in game stuff/want to rock the titan hammer class item for example. Below is link to show you just HOW MUCH value you're getting, credit to Yamidam from Reddit. [url][/url] 3.) It's great to see people all over the world coming together to share ideas/opinion on the game in a mostly mature manner, please keep it up and be polite to each other. PS: I can't edit my main topic due to mods having edited it, didn't know that was a thing.

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