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7/10/2015 2:54:29 AM

To all who "Hate" on the Titans, give this a read.

In the last few weeks, you've possibly seen more posts about Titans needing nerfs, being OP, blah blah. I see those posts and can't believe that's peoples thoughts. First, I main a titan. I have a warlock, and have had a Hunter, all maxed level, so I'm not outrageously biased. So, I wanted to set some things straight concerning Titans. Most threads are based off of PvP and the titan super, fist of havoc. Everyone calls it, fist of panic. Sure, some people waste a super on one person, Warlocks can and sometimes do the same with Nova. I've seen a lot of posts complaining of the range and aerial effect of the fist of havoc. Firstly, FoH is a fast casting, small area clearing super. If your close to where it is casted, you will die. You should die. Also, people complain about the aerial damage. Striker is a arc/lightning based subclass. The FoH is literally a lightning bolt striking the Titan as he slams the ground. So therefore, if your above it you should take damage and/or be killed. If all you had to do was jump and survive, then Titans would be all but worthless in PvP. Defender is very rarely useful, only when used correctly can it be effective. Titans are at a severe disadvantage in PvP compared to the other classes. Titans have maybe 2 or 3 exotics that are worth using, one good grenade, a good close range super that is perfect at countering self res and arc blade, shoulder charge, (which is very unreliable and takes a short time to charge up, and fades rather quickly. Outside of that, there's nothing beneficial to being a titan in PvP. Lets look at this. Warlocks have: Sunsinger: 1.)Self res 2.)over shield off of a melee Hit, not even a kill 3.) 2 grenades 4.) Burn damage off of melees and grenades potentially 5.) Fusion grenades and Firebolt grenades Void Walker: 1.) Nova bomb, basically a thrown Fist of Havoc 2.) Ranged melee that gives health back, movement and reload speed increases from a melee Hit, again not a melee kill 3.) Axion Bolts 4.) Supers can track enemies or have larger explosions. Warlocks also have more/better exotic armor pieces. Hunters have: Gunslinger: 1.) Best PvP super 2.) Super with range and a long duration 3.) Ranged melee Bladedancer: 1.) Arc blade, long duration and high mobility super 2.) Invis abilities to remain off of radar 3.) Ranged melee that can deal extra damage with a hit to the back. Hunters also arguably have the best PvP exotics in the game. Titans have: Striker: 1.) Fist of Havoc, fast casting, small zone damage 2.) Lightning grenade, and maybe flash bang when used correctly 3.) Shoulder Charge, very unreliable and short duration 4.) Unstoppable, can't be killed while casting super Defender: 1.) Ward of Dawn. When coupled with helm of saint-14, can be effective in very rare, select scenarios. 2.) Magnetic grenade. I tried to list every perk for each sub class that is useful in PvP, and I will respectfully debate with anyone who says Titans are, "More OP" than any other class. I play a decent amount of crucible, and get a trip to mercury a few times on the weekends. I don't consider myself an amazing PvP player, but I know I'm fairly good. But based off of exotic armor capabilities and sub class abilities, Titans are at a significant disadvantage. With supers, I still say titans have the least worrisome supers in comparison, but I also believe every super is over powered. Its a Super. It should be powerful. Hence the name.... Super. Thanks for the read, share your thoughts and lets get a decent discussion going!

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  • Warlocks no boots every other class two boots

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    10 Replies
    • Edited by JayEatsBees: 7/10/2015 6:44:07 PM
      I didn't read the whole thing but I don't feel like I have to, Titan don't need a nerf but they do need to get an "award" for killing 1 guy with a FoP called Panic. I do think that warlocks need their always ranged melee nerfed and the range of axion bolt seekers nerfed and the AOE of firebolt need to be a bit smaller, but other than that I think that the crucible (class wise) is pretty balanced. It takes alot of skill to consistently hit with throwing knife and only idiots ever get stabbed in the back.

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      • I will say in defence of fist of panicking it's not like titans get to walk around with our super if we waited to get the average number of kills hunters get (2-4) per super we could potentially be holding ours all game so sometimes it is better to get that free kill and avoid a death than to keep holding it back.

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      • Looks at title. Pulls out popcorn. Reads the comments. [spoiler]I know I left out read the actual description. I did that purposely.[/spoiler]

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      • wow how long did it take u to type that?

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      • Couldn't agree more man.

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      • Edited by Diskrusher: 7/11/2015 3:32:46 AM
        Uh I can't agree that the gunslinger is the best cause my fingers are just stupid ^^ But yes we need something for the defender

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      • Finally someone who understands my pain. I get hate messages all the time just I use my super on one person. Not my fault if I see a self-res warlock or a bladedancer coming my way. I either use my super if I have it or I use a shotgun and then melee. And getting killed mid super can happen evn if you have unstoppable. All in all I think every class is important however it doesn't hurt to be nice. I'm looking at you Hunters 😑

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      • Actually, you can be killed if you have Unstoppable on while using Fist of Havoc. It's hard but very possible.

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      • U forgot that defender with helm of saint 14 and weapons of light and high impact sniper rifle is basically a sniping fortress :P

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      • Edited by twodgamesbang: 7/15/2015 2:03:38 AM
        The titan needs a fix, especially the defense class; Its almost useless in pvp, even for control. The titans force barrier should be stronger and last longer than the warlocks flame shield, because its harder to get. Plus the suppressor grenade should instantly knock off any super, it used to? I shouldnt get killed by a blade dancer hours after my suppressor grenade make contact. Also I think the juggernaut ability/shield in striker class should be a little stronger. And if it is possible can you allow the shoulder charge to be used on defender class (at least while airborne) if you're using the exotic boots: peregrine greave$. These changes would help the titan a bunch, especially defender class. I know this is asking for a lot, but I really think the titan need this for pvp. I bet 90% of the people who love to play with titan will agree. Some will say this is OP, well I could say the same about a blinking hunter with a shot gun Lol

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by NathanW18: 7/10/2015 3:58:13 PM
          Anybody calling Titan's OP in PvP is an idiot. I don't like to insult people, but it's such a ridiculous statement.There is pretty much no reason to use a Titan over a Hunter or Warlock. Titan's are at a disadvantage in PvP. The super is garbage. Just because you can panic kill someone doesn't make it good. It has poor kill potential. It's mostly only good at being used defensively. Countering other players using better supers. Shoulder Charge is also horrible. It's a high risk, low reward ability. Running directly at enemies (who are highly likely to have a shotgun) ends in your death the vast majority of the time. At best, you trade. Although, you're not correct about Voidwalker's getting health regen back off of melee. Well, they do, but it requires a kill. Only the Sunsinger gets it without having to kill.

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          • Bump

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          • Bump

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          • What about the suppressor grenade on defender? It can suppress supers.

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          • No one class is "OP". If the person knows how to play, you can do well with any of them. But I would like to point out that Hunters don't have ranged melee, they just lunge further to get the hit in. Warlocks are the ones with ranged melee.

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            • No one cares about Titans strength. There's a reason they are the least played. Don't get me wrong I like my Titan but still

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            • Edited by EcKo_ThUnDeR: 7/10/2015 4:18:32 PM
              Being a user of all three characters. I am now focusing on my titan. I can say that Fist of Havoc is pretty broken. FoH no clips through walls which allows you to kill people without being in the same room as them. FoH also has max vertical range even though its animation only spreads along the ground. Also, do not make comparisons with supers such as gun slinger, sun singer, and blade dancer. Thoes are mobile supers with less dps. Making a comparison is just idiotic.

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              • You forgot about surpressor grenades and Force Barrier + AoL combo :) [spoiler]I too main a Titan[/spoiler]

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              • Agreed Ten fold you can tell i was a titan for almost all of my time on destiny but i have been using my warlock a lot lately and i have to say it is extremely easy to use (sunsinger btw) in PvP without a doubt the titan is one of the hardest if not the hardest class to use in PvP and to all the people saying "oh you have shoulder charge" well if you were honestly a good player and had a shotgun its so easy to kill us titans with that you should thank us when you do get the kill.

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                • Don't forget warlocks and hunters have blink.

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                  • Who hates Titans? In pve a good bubblebro is a god send

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                  • I agree that every super is overpowered. I would just kind of like a game mode with no supers. That being said, the new game mode coming out in the Taken King where supers recharge really fast, with the intend of everyone using supers all the time looks pretty darn fun. :)

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                    • Titans aren't OP, just annoying as -blam!-. The only problem I have is that it takes no skill to just run around a corner, panic, smash the ground, and get a kill. Also, -blam!- shoulder charge.

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                      • You can still be killed while using FOH even with Unstoppable on, it's just a little rarer

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