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8/27/2015 6:01:13 AM
Not an apology, but then again they shouldn't have to apologise. A game like this has never really been attempted before, honest mistakes were made, but every DLC/weapons balance since has been a genuine attempt to rectify those mistakes. Maybe things should have been different at launch, maybe it was rushed? I still had a shit load of fun playing it and I appreciate the effort Bungie are making to progress the game.

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  • Sorry but there is nothing grounbreaking or new about Destiny. It's a mash-up of game genres that have been for a decade or more. There is a wealth of lessons learned out there that seem to be pretty basic sense they have been completely ignored. Why do people think this is so revolutionary or groundbreaking/.

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  • There are similar games but this one is pushing the envelope. There are other FPS's sure but they don't have the Loot grind like Destiny. There are other Loot Games, borderlands comes to mind, but there isn't collecting like in Destiny, in borderlands at least. So nothing brand spanking new, but this games puts these mechanics together in a way not really yet seen. Revolutionary? Maybe not. Ground breaking, kinda. But it's tons of fun to play

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  • Yeah. In Destiny I actually have a connection between the weapons I used vs the weapons in borderlands.

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  • Hate to break it to you, there isn't collecting in destiny anymore either. They encouraged it in year 1. Now they changed their minds.

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  • Apart from destiny being first person it is very close to warframe.

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  • Yeah when I picked up warframe about a month ago it really reminded me of destiny

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  • i would love to call BS on this.. there might be a "combination" of genres that have not been on tha market in this extend BUT clearly those parts of it were there a long time before.. and a shitty HID or a crappy weapon balancing has nithing to do with "new genres".. combining a PvE shooter with a PvP shooter HAS been on the market and pretty much all the studios have come to the conclusion: doesnt work... for obvious reasons the latest guys who discovered this and TRIED before were the guys from warframe who carved out the PvP loadout and made it seperate fro m the PvE loaout, pretty much like every other FPS did before.. they did try to mix but came back to seperate loadouts for PvP and PvE due to the WELL KNOWN reasons.. also ALL the glitches and exploits were known in the one or the other way.. pushing bosses off the cliff is not only known since this game, grenade jumps (aka lamp jump) is well known, loot glitches etc , all very well known and eay avoidable.. Bungie made the horrible mistake to let loose on coding discipline in the early stages, bugnie was used to be very free on coding , backed up by a huge headroom on the last gen consoles .. enough power to ease out any design flaws.. withdestiny they missed the part where they had to get the coders and software designer together and have the code work as a whole.. they were creating workaroundds and shortcuts to make THEIR part work, and when at the end the content creators were brought into the game , the engine could not handle the content.. the content creation process was too slow and the world could simply not handle the packages.. so they did the only thing that could safe their product, cut it down, and weed it out, and hope that this will buy them time to improve on the code and weed out the "dead" parts that still eat up processing power but delivers nothing. please not that the "tiger!" engine is basically the halo 3 engine with improvements.. developed ON last gen FOR last gen and ported to "new gen".. so no bugnie failed and tripped over their big balls.. promising too much and delivering way too little EVERY TIME. i am very sure that at one time it was possible to "go to this mountain over there" but they had to limit the world to a very narrow path around the player.. so that the engine wont bust. the HiD, the controls, the design the leftouts,the empty spaces, all of this looks like a beta.. and thats what they delivered, a beta. Now 1 year later we can take all those Architect 404, and reddit comments out again and see whats been there from day one.. the Hunters "void trapper" third subclass for example was announced before the dark below came out,. in OCTOBER 2014 . so yes bugnie delivered an unfinished product and got the heat for it, for a reason.. and players had all the right to complain.. and the loudest and whyniest players were the reason why we have improvements in the game. so all you desticles and fanbois.. YOU have to THANK the Critics if you still like the game or like it even more.. with you only this game would have stayed the shitty lame excuse for a shooter it was in the beta.. drop down to your knees and parise the moaners, whiners, crybabies and critics.. THEY made your game possible while you contributed nothing..

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  • That is why I don't think they will be able to get their head above water until destiny 2 (when it goes next gen only)

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  • Lets write a book lol who reads that? um nobody!

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  • [quote]Lets write a book lol who reads that? um nobody![/quote] You can thank your sub 50 IQ for that too!

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  • Just shows how uneducated you are.

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  • States that OP doesn't know what he is talking about...provides absolutely zero information to support his claim. Credibility, you have none.

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  • IMO, it seems like Luke smith is saying that they have taken most of our suggestions and have built them into TTK. and have been working on it pretty much since the launch of vanilla. Anyways in super excited I can't wait for TTK.

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  • Edited by HecklingJekyll: 8/27/2015 1:46:57 PM
    Exactly, because so many people were saying "render all my collected armor moot and whatever you do don't put in a transmog. system! We would hate that"

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  • Oh I agree. I love this game so much and it is the first of it's kind. So much beauty and fun. Yes it has flaws, but anything real is not perfect. Go Destiny! :)

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  • [quote]Oh I agree. I love this game so much and [b][i][u]it is the first of it's kind[/u][/i][/b]. So much beauty and fun. Yes it has flaws, but anything real is not perfect. Go Destiny! :)[/quote] Umm no, no it isn't... [spoiler]warframe, defiance.[/spoiler]

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  • Its not the first of its kind....warframe

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  • Exactly. I can name several FPS games that had the same format and several more non-FPS games in which it took the formula and just added FPS into the mix. There is literally nothing original about Destiny. *smh* these kids...

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  • 5
    it's not about making mistakes, that's perfectly acceptable the [i]issue[/i] here is they actually LIED to 'us' on more than just a few occasions ...and that, my friend, is completely unacceptable

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  • Agreed this guy gets it!

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  • Lied? You mean they changed their minds about some stuff? Lied would imply they made you a personal promise about something. They didn't.

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  • "you can explore Saturn" Pretty sure that was a lie

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  • They said that our gear, that we worked so hard for, would NEVER be obsolete. That isn't a lie?

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  • "Your time invested would be respected"

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  • Once again Vesplne do your research before opening your mouth through your fingers you have no clue what you are saying you really do not.

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