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originally posted in: Grenade Launcher 101
1/12/2011 10:06:01 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC Clone [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RigaTony [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC Clone Well that depends. Was that guy talking about manual detonation or the normal firing mode?[/quote] Oh, now I see that I misread it. He is obviously talking about the normal firing mode. Manual detonation won't trigger a reload until the grenade is detonated. But still, I don't know how to stop the animation, do you have an idea Clone?[/quote] I'm pretty sure the only way is to use the manual detonation.[/quote] Agreed. Also, why would you need the display when firing in auto mode? I mean, why do you need the additional information? You couldn't take control of the detonation anyway. BTW, you guys should check out the new part I added to the OP regarding the tracking mode of the ProPipe. I'm still waiting for someone to confirm or deny this so we have more than just my experiments to prove that it's non-existant. [Edited on 01.12.2011 2:06 PM PST]

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