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originally posted in: Grenade Launcher 101
2/23/2011 5:38:20 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RigaTony [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RC Clone If there was more support for Grenade Launcher use, then maybe we could get someone else to test it more in depth and provide a video. Although, I would like to note, that the Grenade can launch off center of your reticle even if the reticle isn't red. I remember (sorry no video) walking to the yellow/green lift on Sword base and could just see a guy in the lift room camping. I aimed in his general direction, keep in mind that I could only see him through a tiny sliver of the door opening because I stayed on the bridge, and fired the normal shot. It exploded on impact with him and I got a kill. Later, I went back in theater to see it happen again and noticed that the center of my aim was directed at the wall and the sliver where I could see the camper was just off center on the left of my reticle, but when I fired the grenade came out going straight for the guy, right through the sliver I keep mentioning.[/quote] Ah interesting. I ,too, noticed a slight spread when firing grenades. I think in your case it was either luck that the grenade had the perfect trajectory even though your were aiming somewhere else OR it may have to do with auto-aim. The game could have redirected the grenade to fly more towards the enemy that made your reticle appear red. Kinda like bullet magnetism works for other guns. That's pure speculation, though.[/quote] It was exactly that except my reticle [b]wasn't[/b] red when I fired. It auto aimed at the guy while the reticle was still blue. [Edited on 02.22.2011 9:38 PM PST]

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