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Edited by TheShadow: 12/17/2015 3:01:20 AM

Now it's a rant lol but it is the truth about Bungie and why this game is losing year one players and many more...

What made me quit and how most feel, but don't express it. 10-1-15 (([b]There is a lot to read[/b])) but it is the reality on how this game needs major help and maybe a couple that i put in that could help. Bungie does have the wish list, so there is no excuse to not improve this game. Now sparrow racing after a year of the community asking for it but only 3 weeks. This justifies a year and almost 5 months of hell BUNGIE? Oh, and guess what? It's only for the gamers that have the taking king. This is where Bungies future in this game is literally heading, and it is wrong Curious, with no expansion coming out. Do we have to pay for the small events that was mentioned in this interview? Bungie put out all kinds of lies. Grinding has tripled and they literally said they reduce the grinding in Ttk. Really? Exotics weaker then rear's. Regrinding for exotics i already have. Year two exotics don't work in year two, but year one exotics worked in year one. Making events like, weekly heroic strike, nightfall, raid, quest etc to where the boss's and a few minions take more damage while we do less damage to them compared to year one. When in year one we destroyed things and actually had fun. Bungie lied about that they made a whole new arsenal to help us out through this game. Only to find out i'm dismantling 3 times the amount of weapons then i did in year one. Also lied and said Ttk was like a full game and i would feel more powerful. Um, i actually feel weaker and the only time i felt more powerful was before the first nerf on all year one weapons. Removing content Bungie and replacing it with other content is not a full new game. Just curious. Where is the necrochasm? Its part of Crota's story Bungie? Whoops! my bad, there is no story. [spoiler]love running backwards through missions i already done a thousand times. [/spoiler] The RNG is twice as bad compared to year one. No ingame tools. [quote]How about Honest Game Trailers and no more over hyped sales pitch's: [url][/url][/quote] No dedicated servers. No open world. No HOW raid. No customisation. No upgrading your sparrow. Meaning Bungie can't come up with one new idea on one small thing to make this game a little more fun? No clan activities. Wait! My bad. One raid weekly reset and crucible? No private PvP game modes. No vehicles. No trading. No optional matchmaking. No respect. No end to the repetitive shit bungie makes us do. No infusing exotic class items. Wait! They just did it. Almost 5 months later after paying $20 for it. Okay Deej. Need i say more? No real communication. Meaning no heads up on what's happening. Just drop it on the community and tell them to deal with it. A year latter even though Bungie advertised this little guy waving in a video as if he new exactly where his friend was. Bungie implanted this (but still didn't get it right) A year later Bungie? No appreciation. Wait! My bad. The triumph. That even if you weren't a day one player you could still do it and get rewarded and get a stupid looking emblem that everybody is (embarrassed) to put on their profile. Removing content and replacing it in every area on ever planet and call it new content? Removing content and forcing players to buy the next thing to continue even though they paid $100 for content they cant play that was removed for not buying ttk? How's the UK doing Bungie? Or any state for that matter out of the US. system. Blaming last gen for the reason they couldn't add vault space last year. Talk about pissing players off lol. Saying last gen couldn't handle it. Bungie made that statment in a weekly update. But yet pulled it out of their ass when ttk came out? Funny thing is, Bungie still holds last gen for the reason not being able to add thing. (Cutting content is actually the main problem in this game) There is a lot and ill say that again. A Lot of data in a game and its sensitive to even be playing around with it. When you cut content you are cutting info that effect different parts of this game and when you don't do it right. YOU GET MAJOR GLICHES LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO ATHEON AND CROTA. literally nerfing ever single -blam!-ing thing there is to nerf in this game. The post on this forum that literally and ill say that again (literally) shows every problem there is in this game.You cant hide this Bungie by adding new things and not fixing whats wrong. IT WILL ALWAYS SHOW UP IN YOUR GAME ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. Not separating PvP from PvE. The main reason why so many stupid decision on the nerfs in this game and it has destroyed the PvE aspect of this games experience. Resetting leveling system and leveling resetting yet to come. Vanguard marks. Um, thought there was a unlimited reset to them? Thanks for the misleading you did on Twitch Deej ;) by the way Deej. Where is the content that you can actually do this? Flakes. Are you -blam!-ing kiding me! Spend literally days grinding for them only to get (NOTHING) for that time spent. How many times did Bungie expect me to do this? Kings fall is nothing but a copy and paste of Vog and Crota. Exotics class items that cost $20? Gun pack that was only greens.Well, i did get glimmer for that last statement, as if i really needed that. (Find a friend?) Another joke on us. What you are actually saying is, help you make money but you are only going to give us useless things we can get at tower? Exotic class items all over again. As if ill ever give you another penny for useless shit thats not going to help anyone in this game. Red bullshit. Silver with RNG. Nice! But guess what? You can't earn them. Removed reforge Removed blue flame on helmet Removing exotic quest from the vanguard vendor. Only to get useless exotics in a different matter. Like forcing PvE gamers to play PvP quest. You know what Bungie? You seem to really like (REMOVING) a lot of content, but you don't like to add content. Maybe you guys should of done this. Time gate. People have a life you know? We are not all little kids or teens. Grinding in PvP to get loot that actually takes the fun away in PvP because it puts a condition on it. Its getting gamers hopes up and putting high expectations on it knowing your RNG doesn't work in this game. But you sure know how to force it to do what you want. Like you just did this week in IB ;) And gamers say its something that will always be random LMFAO... Xur, a noobs dream up until a couple months latter when they realize they are just getting the same shit over and over and over. Xur selling year one exotics? Xur not having quest like you said he would, and Game Informer printed it on their magazine. Where are the quest Bungie? i love all the lies you keep putting out ;) Xur giving you the exact same exotic you just got from doing the nightfall. Or night fall giving you the exact exotic you just bought from xur. This happens all to many times. Nightfall's rewarding system just majorly sucks. Glitches, numerous error codes, disconnection, getting kicked back to home page on your system? Not to mention this game can literally freeze up your system. REALLY?? what game in the 21st century does this? These thing you see and what i posted are literally flooding this forum. Quest glitches, missions glitches, crucible glitches that keep happening that haven't been fixed. Gliches that dont reward ya. Basically they are there but only met to keep us grinding. 20 different light levels to one weapon in kings fall? Vog, one drop and you got a weapon. How them flakes boys? Wish list that has been up for over a year and 10 more things were added this last week or two. "We hear ya loud and clear" "we are listening" "ill bring this to the devs" and i believe the tooth fairy is real. Fixing things like the 3 of coins drops. But -blam!- fixing things that are -blam!-ing up this game and have been for over a year? The list literally goes on and and on and on and on. I cant see how Bungie isn't ashamed of themselves on how -blam!-ed up this game is and not do whats right. No game in the last ten years has had this many problems and many more in one year that i know of. [b]BUNGIE, SHOWING SOME RESPECT AND SOME ACTUAL APPRECIATION CAN GO A LONG WAYS. JUST A THOUGHT.[/b] And the best for last. Taking this from Lost Sols lol TTK was coming out and there was no, and ill say that again. No $40 TK deal. You had the unlimited edition and collectors edition. $80 or more if you wanted the exotic class items you had to rebuy all the content you already had. So in all, you just bought an $80 TK. That's because the exotic class items were useless until 5 months later. Bungie held the $40 deal out as long as they could. They Kept on lying to us on updats that the $40 deal was coming out. Basically forcing players that wanted the exotic class items to have to spend $80. Here's the kicker. Prior to ttk coming out Bungie didn't mention one time that there was going to be a $40 deal. So here comes Lost Sols looking up the $40 deal after a month or so of Bungie lying to us, and they finally came out and said they were doing a $40 deal. I love this part :) The app for the $40 deal was hidden in another app. Meaning, who the -blam!- would think to look in an app that has nothing to do with TTK? And how long did Bungie hold out on puting out the $40 TTK. A month? Two months? Bungie at their best^^^^^ What will bring me back? A miracle! Thank you everyone for your replies :)

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  • The people who still defend destiny and Bungie are the same people that would defend their lying no good cheating spouse. They are the battered house wife that is too afraid to see the truth... until it's too late and Bungie beats them to death.

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    6 Replies
    • You get the most destructive thermonuclear BUMP

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      • Bump on so many levels

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        7 Replies
        • some things I share your pain. most of what you said is a lack of knowledge and understanding on your part. If got a free tour to the bungie headquarters u will feel differently about 70% of what u said on your post

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          • Edited by Morgana Nimueh: 11/27/2015 12:59:11 PM
            Most of this is opinion and unsubstantiated nonsense. Designed to make you get noticed and therefore feel a bit special on the Internet. After all you spend quite a bit of time bumping your own threads once they fall out of favour but I digress. Ok there is open world. When you go to a patrol area, that is an open world. If you expected an area that was going to take hours to explore then yes you would be disappointed. It is what is it. What do you mean less powerful? I'm still able to kick ass on a Heroic and Nightfall strike. So in other words because the max level is much harder to achieve you feeling a bit pissy about it. Once your're over 300 most of the Heroic and Nightfalls should be a cakewalk. Stop exaggerating. Got my necrochasm, it's in my vault. You mad Bro? As for story, yes Y1 was choppy at best but this time it's a lot better. I actually got the events leading up to facing Oryx. After that, yes it was explained through the new quest system but it made sense if you took the time to read it. RNG is more or less the same in my book. Got all the Y2 exotic weapons through the quests and drops. If I'm honest I've had a lot more legendaries drop in Y2. Not so long ago a purple engram was more of a legend than the actual item it could turn into. I still have nightmares of a primary purple turning into a shittyass blue. Still you weren't there for that were you kid? Let's see if I can sum up the rest a bit. It's getting a tad too long here. -No tools? What the hell does that mean. -Are people still mad at no HoW raid. Build a bridge and get over it. As for that "proof", I suggest finding an image that isnt some random possibly photoshopped image that was uploaded to an open image uploading site. Find a non data mined image that can be directly linked to Bungie and then we will call it proof. -Dedicated servers. I'll give you that one. However, please note these are expensive to rent and maintain. It could result in a monthly subscription if Bungie were to go down this route. Just be careful for what you wish for. -Upgrading your sparrow? What difference is that going to make? There is currently no need for that shit and quite frankly I would rather see Bungie sort the atrocious lag in the Crucible than worry about a sodding sparrow. -Yep I like the idea of private matches -These type of games are repetitive. How do you beat the repetitive nature? Just stop doing it or play something else. -Must have mistook what a pike and an interceptor was. There's me thinking they were vehicles. My bad. -I can infuse my exotic class items, just can't do the same for the collectors edition ones. Not great to be honest but it is what it is. -Trading. Gah. In this game would be terrible and game breaking. So would the return of reforging. -Optional matchmaking. This has explained a thousand times over why it would be terrible for raids and trials. It's not going to happen either, so can we talk about something else now please? -Bungie have been by and large been very communicative. Their problem is there aren't very good at presenting or using a clear medium. Twitter, while a good social media site is not everyone's favourite. It's bloody annoying everytime I want to know how long a maintenence is going to start and last, I have to find bungiehelp there. -Xur is optional. If you don't want to buy the legacy engram, you don't purchase it. What a novel idea! It's just there for the people who wanted to complete their Y1 weapon collection. -As for bugs and glitches, there are in every game. Every game ive played ive come across at least one. Nothing to do with what got 'cut out'. Unfortunately they can't always be fixed in a second either. Doesn't make it less annoying but again it is what it is. -A bit more customization would be great. Maybe look into transmorg? You call this not a rant. In a way it is exactly that. You also can't expect Bungie to change Destiny to fit your personal requirements. Also if you have decided to quit, which is everyone personal choice, stop with the Bad Break Up With Destiny Syndrome. If that's the case start a self help group away of the forum while the rest of us give real feedback.

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            84 Replies
            • agreed

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              • basically this, some of it a little rant-like but covers what makes everyone hate on this game so much and covers everything bungie let blow right over their thick skulls.

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                • Because it is literally trials and errors (I just summed up Destiny in 7 words.)

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                  • I didn't read this....but it seems like a rant to me lol I'll bump it anyways

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                    • Actually it's activisions fault.

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                      • 1 billion bumps. Bungie isn't a game company anymore, they're a bunch of noobs who think they know what their doing.

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                        • I agree with most. Have not had the freezing up or that many disco's part. I also really did love this game. The shooting gameplay is top notch. Very fun to kill things in destiny for me. With all the problems I have made the decision to take some time away and hopefully see some great changes implemented. Ones bungie has yet to talk about. Trying to be hopefull but not too sure anymore.

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                          • My sad dear old Destiny, your life started out so promisingly. How were we to know you had neglective, inattentive parents who tend to their own needs instead of your own.

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                            • Bump

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                              • Refer a friend and get emotes. You know you want it. ;-)

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                                • I can totally relate. I grind like a mofo and get nothing but crap. After a dozen Tyler raids I know have 6 pairs of legs, 10 harrowed shotguns and a couple pulse rifles. It would be nice to maybe get some arms and a helmet but NOOOOOOO. Of course they fixed the reward system, I mean after a week of grinding IB I got a scout rifle. Oh yes I got a chest piece and some armour at 287 light, ummmm the article said if you are at rank 5 all drops would be over 300. What a waste of freaking time. All I can say is not impressed, time to buy Star Wars.

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                                  • Agreed with many points. Particularly time gated quests are frustrating - I work long hours, have a fiancé and have a life outside of my Xbox although I do consider myself a hardcore player and have invested nearly 2k hours into this game. However it's really annoying when you come home and find there is a time gated quest which you've missed or other people have already finished. We all pay the same amount for this game and we all paid for the content so hiding content behind artificially imposed walls on top of an rng loot system is just unbearable. Not to mention most the quests require a fireteam and there is no matchmaking - hard to do now as most my clan has left the game for good.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Bump

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                                      • I can get behind a lot of this actually! My friends are the only reason I play really.

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • This game is not for everyone!! Most of today's gamers are a bunch of entitled emo p¥ssies!! I can't imagine them playing games in the 8bit era where games were hardcore and punishing to the extreme. Sell the game, close your account and save some of the little dignity you still have.

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                                          17 Replies
                                          • Part of it is so many good games are out. Once people are bored out of there minds they will probably come back.

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                                            4 Replies
                                            • It's starting to get to me that I do not want to play anymore. This game with so many updates and more to come; ridiculous. I'm done with gaming when Xbox 360 online gaming is turned off next year.

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                                              9 Replies
                                              • Not gonna lie, didn't read all that. But what I did read suggests that you are the kind of person that got hung up on little details and forgot the pure visceral joys of shooting aliens in the face.

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                                                • Dude. Prison of elders is the -blam!-ing HoW raid look at the shader kiosk and go to raid and you'll see house of wolves raid shader that is optained in the you guessed it PoE!! That's the -blam!-ing raid it's just a lot more weird.

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                                                  • Bump.

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                                                    • Sadly this is the truth I'll bump But you forgot one thing... The thing (in my opinion) I HATE the most... Time-gated missions A lot of people won't be able to get sleeper simulate, or no time to explain, or whatever other time gated thing, because we're either too busy, not online, basically can't do it when it's available :( ... Also, the "internet connection problem". I get disconnected from psn a lot. That is, When I'm playing destiny. Other games I play, it barely happens, almost doesn't happens. And after each destiny update, it seems the "connection problems" get worse. Ok so, destiny first launch, I had Zero "internet problems". Dark below, zero problems. house of wolves, ok some problems, but not a lot. Couple Updates before ttk, ehh again not TOO much but a lot more than before. TTK update, WOULD YOU STOP DISCON-freakin-NECTING me... (Letting Saltiness flow through blood) ... The other thing that made me a bit disappointed with bungie is the Refer-A-Friend event. The rewards are an -exclusive sparrow -emblem -shader -emotes And Wait for it... -new swords Why am I disappointed? Well I'm on last gen, us last gen folks can't get these stuff because Refer-A-Friend is a Next-gen exclusive thing. Bungie should give us (last gen) at least a quest we can do with a friend. A quest we can't solo kind of thing. So we too can get the rewards instead of seeing them in the kiosks. If you are kind of confused by what I mean by giving last gen a quest. Well, I meant: -Give us a quest we can do with one of OUR friends, Since last gen can't do the veteran invites newbie/newbie invites veteran kind of deal. -A quest we CANT solo (have to do with a friend) -A long quest, or just as long as the refer-a-friend quest. (Sorry if I repeat a lot) ... Lol sorry, I said a lot, I only was going to say the time-gated stuff but then this big thing happened. A lot of the times I try to talk about something, this forms xD but I think this is smaller compared to other on-going stuff I've talked about. (Sorry if that confused you... it confused me a little :/ Also I said sorry a lot So... Wait for it... [spoiler]not sorry lolololololololololol[/spoiler] [spoiler]sorry TwT[/spoiler]

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