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Edited by Newjak86: 11/25/2015 8:22:49 PM

Rank Roaming Supers That You Least Like To Run Into





Golden Gun




So the new Taken King content is months old now. We have all had a great chance to to adjust to the new supers and meta of the game. The question I want to ask each one of you is which Roaming super do you hate to come face to face with the most? This question spawned from the whole is Sunbreaker Titan OP and honestly as time goes on more and more when I ask myself which Roaming Super at least like seeing on the Horizon Sunbreaker is not the top of my list. To be fair I do main a Titan so I do foresee people pinning this as a thread of trying to prove it is not OP. This is not the case because I know I'm seen other people say they hate running into other roaming supers more than Sunbreakers. So this thread is just personal opinion on this topic and is not trying to discuss the OPness of one super over the other. I'm hoping this will prove have many diverse responses based on people's personal equipment, playstyles, and class preferences. First let me tell you what I play. A high armored Titan that uses pulse rifles for my primary but I rock the Invective as my special. I think using the Invective with it's regenerating ammo and auto fire capabilities means I approach supers much differently than most people here will. I also prefer playing Striker in PvP. So I feel often times FoH is my get out of jail free card when dealing with roaming supers. So I guess I will rank mine from one the I care least about running into to the one I hate seeing the most. First on my list is Sunsinger: Honestly I can say when I see a Sunsinger I don't feel intimidated at all, especially one that is reviving next to me. A simply aim down the barrel of my invective and blast them away. It's not even a problem for me to take one out. Next comes Bladedancer: Their quickness is why I put them ahead of Sunsinger but even than I'm not two afraid of them. They generally ahve to get close to me which is where my trusty Auto Shotgun is at it's best. Of course their agility can make me miss shots but at the very least I can normally trade with a bladedancer. Now the following roaming supers are the ones I actually are scared of seeing come around the bend and makes me change my play style. Sunbreaker: Yes it is not my most feared roaming super. Even though it is the hardest super for me to take down when I actually get in killing range I'm not that scared of them. They are the easiest to run away for me. Their attacks are pretty easy to avoid. I can normally make them miss me with 2-3 hammers before they can get and that is purely one on one. My second most feared is Stormcaller: This was a tough one for me because Golden Gun and Stormcaller trade off on many different things and they both present terrifying challenges to me. So it was really close between those. The reason I fear Stormcaller slightly less is because it still needs to get decently close to kill me which lends itself well to my Invective also because it still has to get close enough that I can kill with my super. Of course that lightning can just scrap you so quickly that even close range I find it hard to take them down and their agility is so good it can be easily for me to miss a shot. My most feared roaming super is Golden Gun: Why is this the case? It has the least armor of all of them plus it only has 3-4 shots. Well reason it terrifies me the most to see is simple... it one shots me, has the hardest to avoid attack, and it has such long range that it is virtually impossible for me to beat them. I don't have long range one shot capabilities so the only chance I get against them is if they are not aware of me or they get close enough I can use my super to tank the first shot. I can't run away against them like I can Sunbreaker and to a lesser extent Stormcaller because of the range. And it shoots so fast even if they miss one shot the next is right behind it. EDIT1: Just noticed the error in the Poll. Stormbreaker is actually Sunbreaker. I can't seem to edit the poll so there you go.
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