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12/27/2010 9:28:20 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XII CIUTCH IIX [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gage_1337 As a Vegan, my Veganism isn't about trying to feel morally superior to people. It is about trying my best to abstain myself from cruelty and it's about trying to live as lightly on the Earth as possible. One of the reasons I am a vegan is because I abhor all forms of unecessary killing. Killing for mercy, killing in self-defence and killing for survival are acceptable in my opinion. I personally have no problem with a starving man eating meat because the man would likely die if he didn't and is only killing for survival which is a necessary form of killing. However, massively breeding billions of animals to slaughter in-order to feed people living in economically developed locations like Britain and the USA is absolutely not necessary because there is no nutrient in meat that is missing in a vegetarian diet. Necessary killing may be tragic, but I find killing simply for amusement, taste and small convenience vile and abhorrent. That is why I am a vegan.[/quote] Flawless argument.[/quote]Enough bumping your thread. This thread no longer holds any discussion value. All of your posts are now, "Yes," "I agree," "He is Stupid," "Flawless Argument," etc..

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