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6/21/2016 2:59:17 AM
Oh I just checked your highest light level is 328 you have absolutely no grounds to complain about Titans at all no negotiate no terms nothing

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  • What does my light level have to do with anything? Better yet, how are you going to talk about my light level when you don't even have a character? As far as I'm concerned you don't have any right to debate or make any opinions on what direction this game goes in. Or are you hiding behind a shell account because you are so insecure with yourself that you can't handle it when someone makes fun of your opinion or disagrees with you? OR are you insecure about your characters? That way people can't make the same comments you do to their guardians? Or maybe your k/d? Whether you're using a shell account to comment or simply don't have characters doesn't matter though, because whatever reason it is just means that anything you say or have said in the past will be disregarded. You're words don't matter when you're replying from this account for the simple reason that when viewed it shows one thing. You. Dont. Have. Characters. And any guardian that views you will see that, and every guardian that does will disregard anything you say because of it. So if you at using a shell account right now, stop replying with it, grow a pair, and reply with you're big boy account. Until then stop with the sh*t post replies because real Guardians are talking. If you come back with a real account (or buy the game or whatever reason you don't have a guardian) I'd be more than happy to converse things with you like an adult. Oh, and not that I have to justify my reasoning (or anything I do for that matter) to you, but I felt like you should know I never did cry nerf. If you actually read my whole post, you'd know this. I clearly said I wanted to discuss and negotiate things like adults. If you didn't like my idea or felt that it didn't need to be changed you could've simply disagreed and told me why you thought so without being disrespectful to me. You didn't have to use the provided poll options if you didn't want to. Next time try being nicer to people.

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  • Actually I have 3 335 and I have been playing from day one been threw everything all the nerfs everything and you are new and for you to ask how can we fix Titans shoulder charge after 2 fn years and not a problem till now is so dumb I think because you wanted to jump on the bandwagon like the rest of the cry baby's titans do not need a fix they are fine why don't you level one up and see for your self

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  • You mean like how firebolt grenades weren't a problem until taken king? But when they becane a nuisance I suggest they be toned down. Since you looked at my profile you should've see my emblem. The founders seal. The emblem only beta testers have. I too have been here day 1. Through it all. And I know how hard Titans have had it. That's why I suggested a very small change when I saw how often it's being used now. My first post i made about Shoulder charge I didn't ask for a change but asked Titans to stop abusing it so much or the nerfherders would target them next. Then I saw the nerf posts. And they wanted rediculous changes to the perk. So I tried to make a solution people would agree with before the whole subclass gets destroyed again. I wanted a solution Titans would be happy with. I wanted to negotiate. In return for the small change in shoulder charge, I wanted Titans to pick out something from Warlocks and Hunters that needed balancing. I want us to talk about these things and find something THE MAJORITY agrees on, rather than someone saying "nerf this cuz op!" and having Bungie nerf it in a way that no one would want it nerfed. I mean hell, we just had a WHOLE PERK changed. Granted I'm okay with it but, the perk Viking Funeral is completely gone now. It's still called VF, but it does something brand new now. It was literally nerfed out of existence. I didn't want it to happen to Titans next. My best friend plays Titan. I know the class very well. So I tried to find a very small change to please nerfherders without hurting Titans too much. And come on. -1 Armor? Do you really think it's going to affect you guys that much? You don't need agility do to Titan skating so you could just spec for Armor and Recovery. It wasn't that major of a change! At least what I suggested didn't mess with how Titans perk functioned! Then I have people like you coming in here and telling me I'm a crybaby. I'm really not. The nerfherders were coming either way so Bungie was going to do something. But, rather than having them destroy a perk and make a change out of our control, I wanted us to find common ground with something everyone would be okay with. And other Strikers would be okay with the change! They think it's fair! So I know I'm not asking for much. Why do you hate this idea soooo bad? I just can't wrap my head around it. Tell me why it's not fair or tell me why this would hurt Titans rather than help them. Just don't tell me that the only reason you don't like is because, "Shoulder Charge is fine" and that i am just a "hard scoping cry baby." Obviously Shoulder charge isn't fine if people are complaining so give me a real reason. And remember, in the last patch, after they already nerfed firebolt grenades once, Bungie nerfed them [i]again.[/i] Because they were still "annoying to deal with". Those are their exact words. It was annoying to deal with. Why? It was difficult to counter. Just like Shoulder charge. So give me an actually reason why this isn't a fair change other than the fact that you just don't want it.

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