I'm suppose to be grateful that the current king in destiny "sympathizes" with the hunter who was already dead on the ground then had his teeth kicked in. -blam!- you. You don't get to feel like your doing good because you think it's unfair for the weaker ones. The point of this post is to stroke your own ego. You don't care about this since you know if it's nerfed/buffed ut will never be as powerful as you. So you thought you'd make a nice little post highlighting the Bungie -blam!- ups and how your standing with us. It's as if a [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] stood with a Jew saying"this is wrong we shouldn't do this" does that affect the Jews life at all. No he looks at you with a look of semi admiration since you decided to not kill him today, not because you feel bad. Meanwhile you think you just made his day. showing him that "where not monsters" but you are. Your the worst because your a hypocritical egotistical asshole who can only live off of others admiration. and if he doesn't have it then he knows he's not in control and that's what you really want, power. When you realize you loose it, you either, ignore the ones you lost, or try to destroy them. I hate you.
Shut your facehole you moron.
Well saif. -blam!- the titans and their hypocrisy. The OP does not care and just want to maintain the newly cultivated titan supremacy. #screwtitans #nerfthecharge
nice emblem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jesus Christ even your -blam!-ing name fits this...