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Edited by nomorbountisXP: 7/4/2016 10:31:34 AM

If You Send Hate Messages After Crucible Games...

Please just don't. It's ridiculously childish. I have a friend who does this and I'm embarrassed to be seen with him when he does it. Just win, or lose. Repeat. Wow! It seems that umm, everyone sends mail. Good lord. When I was playing COD I never saw a single message. But in Destiny we are sending messages all the time. Wonder why that is.

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    I dont send hate mail but i get a lot of hate mail. My usual response: [quote]This is a automatic response please dont reply. Message type: hate-mail Emotional status: unchanged Transfer of hate-mail to spam folder completed.[/quote] Always gets them confused or even more salty lol.

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    15 Replies
    • Sent a terrible teleporting lagger a message after an IB match telling him he was reported for red bar lag. He replied that someone lagging isn't a valid reason to report them!

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      • I just say "okay" and then still continue, the best thing to do is just say "okay" and they will get bored and stop.

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      • The only time I ever send hate is if someone can't seem to play the game mode they are in and we lose because of it.

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      • I love getting them lol

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      • Edited by Furi: 7/4/2016 12:09:10 AM
        I do small things that depend on the game, like if one guy is stomping the team regardless of loadout ill send him a fun message My favorite by far that's gotten the most laughs is "My asshole before the match ° My asshole now O"

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        • Pay yo bills

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        • Edited by TimeOfUniverse: 7/4/2016 3:52:39 AM
          I don't usually send hate mail, but if I do get any I usually respond with," I think you mean I love you" [spoiler]Revised and edited[/spoiler]

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            Old man gaming since 1984 - old

            I just send teammates who go .15 and below a message that says "stick to patrol missions"

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            19 Replies
            • I got hate messages and party invites from a guy and his friend for using a shotgun in the middle-cave area in Shores of Time.

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            • I don't get it. I've been salty over cheesy play before but I think by the time I create a message I've already chilled. I've rcvd em, but never sent em.

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            • Sorry but I send hate messages when those damn trials cheaters who have no skill boot my Fireteam and I from the game preventing us to go 9-0 and then they get to the lighthouse. Just happened and I'm furious

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            • Edited by A_101cj_: 7/4/2016 3:54:22 AM
              Yeah. This guy msg me "worthless piece of shit" then "f**king son of b***h" then something like you suck or whatever. After he bags me if he kills me Hey man, i'm not the one 335, using mida and a longbow, I am using lordhigh fixer, and nlb(played with/against him in Iron banner, 3 games). He wasted his whole golden gun on me, i juke him and shoulder charge him. Then there is the game were I played with him, he got a .45kd, bottom of the leader board with 7 kills, and I am at the top with a 3.56 kd So dumb, salty salty salty

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            • Everybody has a good game or a bad game but sometimes they let their anger get the better of them or somebody took them just remember games are to have fun and then be enjoyable .

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            • Sending hate messages after a match is looked badly upon. Although if someone sends hate messages to a lagger my eyes seem to be closed.

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            • When a teleporting enemy character teabags you after a kill taunting you, you're damn right I'm going to get a little rustled. It's one thing to get out played but then playing against God tier [b][i][u]red bars[/u][/i][/b]who think they're good.

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            • 2 parts of advice here, ask him to stop if it causes you distress. Then self reflect and hop off the high horse, being embarrassed to be in someones presence for what they do when it doesnt directly involve you is almost the exact definition of shallow. You and your friend need to change something about yourselves.

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            • Agreed it's like tea bagging

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              • I don't send hate mail very often, only time I do is telling them they are lagging badly and ruining the match for everybody- and it seems ironic that the teleporting ones are not only at the top of the leaderboard but unaffected by the "damage referee"- what a joke- if you out maneuver me and win the gun battles, then good on you- I record the match and see where I went wrong but dang it sucks to lose a gun battle because your enemy didn't take any damage

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              • People actually do this? wow? sad.

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              • I just made 100,000 in 2 days, you can't

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                • I got hate mail 4 using Nova Bomb

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                  • i'm going to h8 if you're using universal remote on rumble. Git gud skrub

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                  • I think last time I sent a message was to a titan who was skating across the map like a fiend and shoulder charged me 5 times, he ended up with 30 kills in the match. He also quick sniped faster then my Mida could go ADS. Told him he was a big ole Master Player and was nice to see talent like that.

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                  • No, only do it if you think they really did well. Because I feel extra good when I get hate mail for doing well.

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                  • I usually send back funny pictures. Some people get more pissed, others send back a lol and I get a new friend.

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