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3/18/2010 1:20:24 AM

How Old Were You When You First Experienced Halo?

I was about 11 or 12 at a friends house. I didn't have an xbox yet so I was really excited every time I went over because I knew we'd play Halo!. The good memories are still there though. You? EDIT: Don't forget to tell of the first experience or memories! [Edited on 04.27.2010 5:19 AM PDT]
#Halo #HaloCE

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  • I first experienced Halo about it when I was about 13 years old. I even joined a Halo 3 forum and I was a administrator, in charge of coding. I was not very interested in Halo at the time. Then about a year later, someone told me about Halo PC and I downloaded Halo Trial immediately. When I first played Halo, it was -blam!- awesome! I loved fighting the Hunters. Pissing off the Zealot was fun! :D I thought that the Zealot at the Silent Cartographer was Arbiter. Then I found [url=]this[/url]. This guy was such a -blam!- badass. Much better then those Halo 3 Legendary walkthroughs! Then the person who got me interested in Halo showed me [url=]this[/url]. Simply amazing! Then a few years later, I got Halo 3. At first, I was just a Halo 3 player. I was not really interested in glitches and strategies. Then one day, I encountered my first wtf moment. The flying Tank Form. Then two Arbiters. Then three Arbiters. :D And now here I am. A Halo 1 modder, Halo 3 player, glitcher, and strategist, and a member. [Edited on 05.14.2010 2:48 PM PDT]

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  • I don't mean to offend anyone here, but this is the kind of thing I have a problem with as an older gamer who primarily plays M rated games. They are rated M for a reason, and you shouldn't have been playing Halo at 5 ( I don't even tink I played any video games that young). I guess the reason I get irked when I see posts like this is that it means this poster is now 13 or 14, which is STILL too young to be owning oir playing M rated games, and it means that it's one more little kid I'll have to deal with on Xbox Live. I know nobody enforces the ESRB rating system, but then why even have it? I was hopeful that I could avoid playing with kids online when they announced the rating system way back before you kids can even remember, and it's now obvious that it doesn't matter what a game is rated, kids will get their hands on it somehow. I long for the days of an older gaming community.

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  • Oh my god you're all so young! I was freakin 19 when Halo CE came out. Granted I didn't read everyone's reply, but I'm amazed that more older gamers like myself didn't post replies here. Especially when you consider that most of the Bungie employees are older than me. Almost forgot. my first memories were going over to my friend's apartment, seeing that he had borrowed his neighbor's Xbox and that he had Halo. Of course I heard about the game before then, but hadn't played it yet. We spent the next 8 hours playing Campaign and CTF, and thinking it was the greatest video game experience known to man. Still is. [Edited on 05.14.2010 5:10 AM PDT]

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  • i was about 6

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  • 13. It was the end of 8th grade. Got the Halo: CE Edition XBOX as a graduation present =). [Edited on 05.13.2010 7:30 PM PDT]

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  • I was 7

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  • 9 got pwned all the time :)

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  • I was around 8yrs old when I first picked up and put Halo: CE in my disk tray.

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  • I was about 8 when i saw it in a local store. i bought it strait away and all the way to my home i was saying "this is going to be awesome" and I was right.

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  • I was 4. It was the first game I ever played and since I didn't have an xbox, I could only play it at my uncle's place. But my parents bought an xbox when halo 2 came out and that's when I decided to make halo my top video game career.

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  • like 7. and i was traumatized by the Flood, they were the scariest thing i ever seen (at that age) .... I'm 15 now [Edited on 05.12.2010 9:40 PM PDT]

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  • I think i was like 7 or 8. Now im 13.

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  • Hmm i got Halo CE when it first came out and im 15 now so i would say like 6-8 im not 100% sure when it came out then. I didnt get live until i was 12 though.

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  • Great topic OP. I was 19. Remember playing split screen get getting owned and thinking the controller was way too big. Then the controller S as it was called back then came out and I loved it since. Bought a controller just so where ever I go I would have someone to play Halo with.

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  • I was 10 I think? I went over my friend's house and played Halo 1. We played some multiplayer, and for whatever reason I still remember my first kill. Used a rocket launcher and shot the warthog my friend was in, did a flip and everything. I was dumbstruck at the fact that I could do such things like that in a video game. Then the addiction set in further and now today I am playing the Reach beta. Oh how the times fly. ;)

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  • I was 5 and I was actually pretty good. For a while I thought that the Grunts were mutated human children and that the Elites were mutated human adults lol! [Edited on 05.07.2010 7:13 AM PDT]

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  • I was six. My dad's friend had Halo CE and I went to his house to play with my dad one day. When we got there, my dad and I played [i]Assault on the Control Room[/i]. I will never forget being amazed at the graphics (because they were the best back then) and killing my first sleeping Grunt on the bridge. I also laughed at the word 'Zulu" when Johnson said it as his Pelican crashed. That level, still to this day, remains my favorite level in any video game.

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  • 14, they had a demo set up at the local store before the xbox was even released,..played that one level over and over again. Had no idea what the story was but it was love at first sight. And when the xbox was released, i finally got the full game :') Which was also my birthday,..march 14 for Europe

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SpartanRanger17 I was 16, and I didn't even know what it was. [/quote] I also. thought uhh its one of them bundled games u didn't really want. How wrong was I!

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  • I was 16, and I didn't even know what it was. I played the demo.

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  • I was 11, and was becoming bored with the playstation

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  • I was like 8. Still Play Halo CE on pc. Love campaign. (now 17, @ college doing games design \0/) [Edited on 05.06.2010 7:01 AM PDT]

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  • I was 12, I think. It was 7th grade year. Played it at a birthday party, then bought an Xbox for Halo: CE. I owned the game before the Xbox because it shipped faster, ha.

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  • Twelve. Still play CE from time to time.

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  • 12, that was 6 years ago. Started with Combat Evolved, will end with Reach.

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  • I was 17 or 18.

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