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9/10/2016 2:05:23 AM
There gone, plain and simple. And I think it was purely intentional of them not to inform the community. They see hoarding bounties to gain an advantage on hitting 385 quickly to access raid/endgame content as an exploit. And really who can blame them to think that way. They give us new content and they want us to experience RoI as it was intended. And that is to grind away week to week. I don't understand why everyone didn't see this coming even from TTK release. Does it suck they didn't inform you? In a way, yes. But did they have to? Not at all. You sign user agreements and if you understand that. Its their product and they can alter the experience as they see fit. Bitching and whining about something you have no control over isn't going to grab the whiteknight Cozmo's attention to come to your and everybody else's aid and ask the devs to return it to you. But keep beating that dead horse, This thread isn't going to change their minds.

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