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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by TheShadow: 2/21/2017 5:42:06 PM

What is a Guardian?

It's far from what this game was actually created for. This holds more truth today then most would care to admit...and more truth then most of the things that has come out of Bungie's mouth. So, if NLB is the top weapon now. This game has hit a new low. [b]There is no game in this entire world in gaming history that has nerfed as much and as many times in a (2 year period) as this company has. Bungie has broke the world record for the most nerfs in an entire game (ever ) that alone is actually pretty sad.[/b] PvP balance shouldn't have ever been applied to PvE, nor should PvE balance be applied PvP. Not only that, y1 shouldn't have ever been capped in PvE and be allowed to work as normal in PvP. Someone needs to explain how it's right to allow the PvP aspect of this game to have [b]( everything )[/b] in this entire game to be allowed in PvP but it's not ok to have the same right in PvE. [b]Both game modes have that right to have it's incentive. Not just PvP. So when are you going to give PvE gamers a voice Bungie?[/b] You will have PvP gamers say PvE isn't hard so it doesn't matter. Yet because of this last patch more then half this community went ape on this forum. [b]This is not me trying to be rude, im just asking a question. How does it feel to have something you enjoy turned to garbage? Please do explain how happy you are that something you like doesn't work like it use to?[/b] Yeah this is just this update, but none of you PvP gamers can tell me in the 2 year period of Bungie nerfing everything that there wasn't somethings you weren't disappointed about when they nerfed it. This is the feeling a lot of PvE gamers have had since y1nerf. Some of you PvP gamers think it's okay that Bungie dumps on PvE but when it happens to you in PvP it's not. How does that work? The overall picture here is, this company needs to get outside help and learn how to [b](respect )[/b] both aspects of this game. Not just cater to PVP and put streamers on a pedestal. Bungie has failed to make an entire game and they are still almost 3 freaking years later dumping on PvE for the sake of PvP and have the nerve to call this game Destiny. Umm, is my Destiny in PvE to become a wimp Bungie? Because as it stands right now, you nerfed the hell out of this entire game this last 2 years and acted as if that was your only option.[b] When in fact, to continuously nerf everything was not your only option.[/b] You have ruined the experience that PvE once had for many gamers. Yeah, weapons still work in PVE, and yeah the Guardians abilities still work in PVE... [b]But do you even realize what you actually did?[/b] You gave eveyone this in y1. To this in y3 What Bungie actually did from y1 to now. Open at your own risk. Thank you for making Guardians as important in PvE as you did in PvP.

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