So, I've always wanted to use hand cannons, but I feel like I can't be accurate with them. that being said I haven't had time lately to jump in and try them with the new update. Are they easier to use (and I'm mostly talking to the casual player, not you hyper-sensitive trigger finger happy fps veterans :D) and more accurate, or still hard to control?
I am a crucible player who plays regularly but isn’t some twitch shooter pro. If you like handcannons, they are a lot more consistent now. My favorite for crucible is Dire Promise at the moment, I swear it hits shots that I thought I’d missed. Still ghost bullets here and there but it’s not nearly as much of an issue.
I see, sunshot is one of my favorites...but PVE is ok?
They've improved, I wouldn't use them for anything outside patrol for fun, I don't play pvp so no idea there. Sunshot is a riot and well worth playing with.
They’re a little better but the problem now is way too much power ammo. Good luck using any kinetic in the new “power weapon meta”