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8/25/2021 6:08:36 PM

Is the handling of this bug acceptable under the circumstances?





Alright, let's go over the situation. A lot of people obviously can't even run the game to get to the title screen. It seems to include all win7/8 users and a portion of win10 users as well. It also appears to affect both 32 and 64-bit operating systems, even when fully patched and updated. It affects both high-end and low-spec PCs with a wide variety of graphics subsystems. I would speculate that most of the people who can run Destiny 2 at this point are Win10 users with high-spec hardware that ran some other game or SDK/development software that install a workaround of their own that also fixes Destiny 2 - or perhaps people who already installed Battleye manually or with a different game before some autoupdate that interacted with it. Can anyone confirm Season of the Lost running on Win10 32-bit (preferably Home,) or getting these specific errors on Win10 64-bit (preferably Professional?) Nothing a user can do generally helps: "upgrading" to win10, verifying the game cache, reinstalling completely, installing "missing" DLLs, etc. All of these "solutions" are reported as failing. Common elements are references to a missing "api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll" and, when brute-forcing past that, a 0xc0000007b error. Battleye may be part of the problem and letting people run the game without access to Crucible when Battleye isn't running might be a partial solution that, at the very least, might help gather less obfuscated error info since it appears to be corrupting error messages. And it still isn't acknowledged in the "Known issues/Vital Info" thread - this is not "low performance", it is "no performance." "Hello. We're currently investigating this issue." seems to be the ONLY acknowledgement Bungie has given this issue, in one of the largest threads about it with hundreds of users saying they are unable to play, and some of those statements mysteriously just disappearing over time. The near-silence from Bungie despite the severity of the issue is deafening. The minimum requirements still state Windows 7, yet Windows 7 cutscenes have apparently been dysfunctional since Beyond Light launched, and now for a complete day the game has been unusable for everyone running win7/8 and a substantial portion of the win10 userbase as well. A lot of people do not want to run Windows 10 for various reasons. I have two words Bungie management should keep in mind here: False Advertising. To the executive suite: Fix this and give workers the resources to do proper minimum requirements beta testing. If the problem is Battleye, pressure them to support Bungie's entire userbase including the 7/8 users on threat of losing Bungie's business to another service provider and becoming known as the problem here, which might lead to a boycott of Battleye. If they don't want to listen and support Bungie and Bungie's userbase, they can suffer the consequences. Chances are, after this, if Destiny 2 doesn't return to previous levels of compatibility quickly, they're going to suffer reputation damage anyways, because everyone will suspect they were largely responsible unless there's clear evidence to the contrary. This bug will probably also generate a lot of lost sales for Season of the Lost and Witch Queen, proportional to how long it takes to get fixed. I hope Bungie is taking that into account when prioritizing it relative to e.g. problems in season content for those who can actually play.
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  • Edited by BNGHelp6: 8/27/2021 7:51:49 PM
    Hello. Thanks for your report. We update our known issue thread daily and haven't yet done so today due to the issues we faced at launch yesterday. We've already reached out to BattlEye and neither they nor us believe this is an issue caused by their service. Rest assured that we're actively investigating this issue to determine the cause and how it can be solved. EDIT: To clarify, based on the comments, we believe this issue is related to something Bungie changed in our builds for this release. UPDATE 2: We've confirmed that a change we made in our builds for safety against buffer overruns is the cause of this issue. We are figuring out how to best fix this issue.

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    96 Replies
    • Edited by Terr: 9/7/2021 6:36:56 PM
      Now that it's been TWO ENTIRE WEEKS OF THE GAME BEING BROKEN, I feel another poll might be necessary to capture how terrible this whole situation is. I completely understand Bungie's reluctance to endorse/allow the third-party fixes, but if community members can hack together a partial fix before Bungie can, that implies the issue isn't being given proper priority.

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    • Well said TheCCPisFascist, I've ripped my machine apart and put it back together but no candy. I've had to be patient while Bungie took my game-time and whatever assets I arranged for with the season passes and silver purchase and never gave them back. Three dlc's later and neither Steam nor Bungie will return my investment. I fear their updates! I am livid. I am pouting. I am a retired electronics engineer and computer network manager and my distraction is no longer a distraction. Destiny 2 now reminds me alot of work which is really bad for my blood pressure. I really like the idea of getting prorated "update rebates" from Bungie which would make a nice update compensation. Better that a slap in the face anyhow...

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    • Edited by Kell of Kellogs: 8/28/2021 4:20:32 PM

      Started a new topic: (POLL)After the latest hotfix, does PC Destiny 2 work?(31 Replies))

    • The longer it goes on with no updates the worse it gets. At what point do we give up and move on? They wanted to do away with FOMO (fear of missing out) but then they leave 300+ in the dark about their destiny future.

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      3 Replies
      • Edited by henus: 8/26/2021 1:27:05 PM
        My 2 cents: There are several pages with system requirements for Destiny 2 with Windows 7 supporting: 1. [url=]Steam Store[/url] - Windows® 7 / Windows® 8.1 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack) 2. [url=]Bungie Help PC Guide[/url] - Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit (Recommended) 3. [url=]Bungie Help PC System Requirements[/url] - Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit (Recommended) Are Bungie members alive to the dangers of misrepresenting facts? What about ensure that documents and all forms of pre-contract communications are accurate, and that they are kept accurate and up-to-date on an ongoing basis?

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        5 Replies
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          This is saddening. Spending about 3000+ hours on Destiny 2 on both and Steam combined, just to suddenly be halted by something we cannot fix. The time, money, and the love poured into gameplay and making friends, suddenly snatched away. I don't want to PC shop at this moment, my current one is still hanging in there, and I don't want to spend too much money at this time. I was excited to play this season... now though? I just want the game to run again. All we can do now, is wait. Wait and hope.

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          7 Replies
          • From the start of the cross save, bugs are generated when starting the gambit and crucible, the FPS goes down too much and it takes me out of the games. This caused me to be blocked from entering the gambit, so if there are Gambit missions in the season pass missions, I will not be able to do them. These errors are beyond my competence, so I ask if there is any way to solve this unfair penalty. By the way, the game crashes when matchmaking matches me with console players, if it matches me with pc players there are no problems.

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          • Hi, I'm french sorry for my english, but thank you for you text! The problem isn"t fixed, I hope it will be fix!

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          • @BNGHelp6 @Bungie how would you describe yourself or call yourself if you were in my position?

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          • Just wanted to give you an update Guys because as I said I gave up after 2 days and upgraded to Windows 10 on Thursday... and as expected the issue was fixed immediately and the game launched fine the first time and is working since then. It is working a little worse though - especially the FPS drops are much more severe than they were before (in places like Tower, EDZ near Church, Tangeled Shore and all those common "fps drop" areas). Cutscenes are working better but funny thing it is still not 30 fps (as I think they should be by default) but the drop is to 20-15 fps which at least makes it possible to watch. So if you plan to give up and upgrade to Win10 make sure that your PC specs are enough to handle that OS.

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            1 Reply
            • I have a question for everyone: [url=](POLL)How good is Bungie's responsiveness to customer requests and needs?[/url]

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            • Edited by Kiro - 13: 8/26/2021 11:57:06 PM
              I found a potential work around for win10 users. worked for 3 ppl so far, a 4th going to get back to me after some game time. If it works for the 4th person I'll let ya all know, it is battle eye as the root cause if this is indeed a fix. [b] [i]UPDATE:[/i][/b] [i]Step1) You need to locate battle eye in folders C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye, and take ownership of the files then give all users and system users full control. Step2) Repeat the process for battle eye located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Destiny 2 Notes: should be 4 files in total between common files and steamapps. Step4) Enters windows firewall with advanced sec. on the left hand side of the app GUI select "inbound rules". Then select "new rule", select program, select the path to the battle eye files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye & allow full access. Step5) Repeat step 4 with battle eye fles located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Destiny 2, allow full access. Step6) repeat step 4 but now "out bound" to battle eye files located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye, allow full access. Step7) Repeat step 6 for battle eye files located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye, allow full access. Notes: You will need to name the rules, I just went with customBattleEyePath1, customBattleEyePath2, customBattleEyePath3, customBattleEyePath4 as an example. One of four users that have used this method/process with 100% success rate so far reported he was missing one file for out bound rules (As in no option/non-visable battle eye app/program).[/i]

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              12 Replies
              • Still cant launch the game

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              • like i said in the other thread of this Problem! Ill give Bungie 1 day! If they don't have a solution tomorrow , ill will claim a refund at Steam! Absolutely unacceptable behavior to us Costumers.

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                2 Replies
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                  I think we all agree 100% with you.. how would a company let so many people that are having the same issues across multiple operating systems continue to go without an answer.. nor even mention it inside the main forum issues.. and we watch two days go by and there's still no answer ..which certainly proves they still do not know what's going on.. As I said before.. this is truly, The Season of the Lost..

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                • Its embarrassing that this even happened. Its not like much if any testing was needed to identify the issue, literally all they had to do was attempt to run the game and they would have known. Whoever handles QA needs to come up with a very good answer as to why basic smoke tests were something they overlooked.

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                • i mean, what is there to discuss? bungie states it runs on win7, steamstorepage states it runs on win7 and everywhere you can buy the game/DLC it states it runs on win7 xD this is a critical point of buying for people with win7 and they get the wrong impression... ofc bungie has to act and yes, they do it very poorly under current circumstances, which are also their own fault of obvisiouly failed QA testing!

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                  6 Replies
                  • Edited by kazer: 8/27/2021 12:05:05 AM
                    Let's help Bungie know how many of us affected, and on what system! [POLL] [url=]Can you launch Destiny 2?[/url]

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                  • I think the issue is that Bungie maybe forgot 8ntegrating windows 7 architecture into the new update. Being a company once support for windows 7 was closed they must have moved on to windows 10. From what I gather windows 10 has some advanced functionality that is not present in win 7. Direct X 12 for instance, or .Net 5 both of which have no support on win 7. It's just my speculation. However I am going to try and install windows 10 and see if this revolves the issue. But the root of all evil lies in the fact that Bungie did not test for win 7 compatibility and went forward with the expansion. If we are lucky they will provide a quick solve otherwise it may be a massive wait since they will have to rework the entire windows architecture to make in compatible with windows 7.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by GaJoS: 8/25/2021 6:30:22 PM
                      My 2 cents: 1. According to latest Steam survey - there is still around 5-6% people using Windows 7 so we can safely assume that similar precentage of Destiny 2 player population (probably even higher addinng Win8 and some Win10 users) cannot even start the game right now. It's not some kind of "silly" - "triumph/activity/etc. is not working and/or bugged" or "I cannot see an emblem"... but literally "I cannot launch the game at all". In Customer Support and ticketing terms - it's a freaking P1 incident! 2. How is it possible that a company releasing a product and stating the minimum and recommended requirements in terms of OS is not checking if the product works on that OS? You already had a yellow card once Beyond Light launched with the 1 FPS cutscenes on Windows 7 (not fixed until today BTW but at least it's not game breaking) and you still didn't learn a lesson? Now it's a red card unfortunately...

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                      8 Replies
                      • I wrote to steam for a refund was refused

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                        1 Reply
                        • well said, i agree that this is being handled pretty poorly, and all we get is the standard bot response of "we're investigating". I'm not the best off financially, one of the reasons i have yet to upgrade, so i can imagine i'm not the only one that can't afford to upgrade yet.

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                          2 Replies
                          • No this and the last 4 years content launches have been catastrophic but atleast once in Y1 we atleast got compensated with a paltry sum of silver for missed game time. Since then every new content launch we lost atleast a day or two of launch time which is the key time to play with friends and often time ppl took off just for this, our time is money and when we pay for something that presented as being able to run fine and that then not being delivered then thats a breach of trust. Even worse is then they have the gall to tell us to pay 25$ for fond memories in form of the gjallahorn so we can celebrate something that should be free as a sign of celebration for them and the community which amounts to borderline and no just is extortion. Even worse is that we were not informed or asked about battleeye sufficiently in advance, hell a basic google check on their part would have showed them the problems with battleeye and win 7. Battleeye is notorious for false positives and not really helping with anti cheat so if they wanted token anti cheat they should have just gone with EAC which atleast works mostly quietly in the background and can be implemented with off modes. This is made worse since most of the community is PVE and doesn't care about PVP which has had an uncomfortable focus for far too long to the clear detriment of PVE content that can be seen over years 1-4 of D2 to the point that you can clearly see that Y4s seasonal arenas were rehashes of Y3s. This cannot go on, the fake free 2 play and basically charging trough the roof for what amounts to usually up to 5 hours of content at best for 3 months and now they went the way of notorious game devs like gajin games or wargaming by extorting ppl 25$ for their nostalgia and fond memorie. No even worse as the before mentioned devs only overcharge for junk like an ingame vehicle. They don't bring back an event or removed one an charge you for it but just make it earnable in-game for free and they have a legitiamte justification of being actual full free 2 play games which is not true for destiny 2.

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                            3 Replies
                            • Guys, I've created a pool to see how many people effected by the issue: [url=]Can you launch Destiny 2?[/url]

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                            • No complaints. Everything is correctly explained. But I'm afraid that this is not taken into account in relation to the mass of players who complain. It is regrettable and I share more and more the feeling of certain. Betrayal and lies .... :(

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