Please up the loot rate on engrams, the current rate is way too low and extremely frustrating. Grind for grinds sake is not fun, please remember that.
Nah, its really not that bad, it's easily done in 2 hours max. A few public events, a few enemy pile-ons and the hidden ogre a few times and you'll be done. One of the easiest seals to earn ever really.
Yeah, killing in Skywatch has crap for drops. Make one giant circle around the map and collect every chest and resource so mores chests have to spawn. I got probably 3/4 of my needed engrams from random world chests there. VIP kills didn’t drop anything except glimmer. It was kind of grindy in a lame farm fashion, but it worked. Thats how I got that part of the Legend title done. 👍🏻 Hope this helps, it beats going to orbit and back a hundred times.
Agreed. This is absurdly tedious, between the low drop chance and competing for kills, it’s just so tedious. At least allow the beginning encounter of Grasp of Avarice in the Skywatch to count.
get 1 or 2 engrams then go back to orbit keep doing this till done, that's how I did it.
Idk rng is blessed for me and I got SE exotic for the 9th time lol
Just keep loading into Skywatch and farm the Ogre yellow bar. I was done in 25 minutes. 💁🏻
Bungie already addressed this in the last TWID and said they were "increasing enemy density in Skywatch in the near future."
This could have been addressed. But they want to keep you grinding until THEY decide it's enough. Same song, different playlist with them. "Create the problem, then swoop in with the solution that they already had".
I find it hilarious that instead of lowering the required Engrams, all they're doing is increasing how many ads spawn.
Edited by Prowler690: 9/16/2024 1:26:46 PMI finished mine before the weekend but as my fireteam were needing to get it done I popped in to see how it was now. Extra spawns, check Extra yellow bar knights, check 3 engrams dropped in a 15 min period , definite improvement. (I was running with console clock adjusted so I was alone in the patrol zone)
Edited by UnleashedArcher: 9/15/2024 6:25:12 PMThere is a very easy way to do this. It's called don't leave the Skywatch. Took me about 1.5 hours to complete (two 45 min sessions) Stand on the building near the downed helicopter with a sniper and sunshot. Use sunshot to kill the enemies that spawn to the left and in front of cave. Use sniper to kill the sword bearers ( 1 spawns top left, two near main building stairs, 1 near helicopter and one behind building in mid) Eventually the enemies will move against eachother. That's where you make your engrams. So many yellow bars spawn. I was getting 4 or 5 per, since most people fly in for the ogre and then leave. The ogre spawns every 8 or 10 mins. Just hang out. Then a public event will happen where you can get a few more. Just be patient and hang around. It's s better than the fly and leave for the ogre.
Well apparently if your Skarrow you can get all 14 engrams in about 2 hours. Took me like 5, but whatever. Then instead of actually playing 13 strikes you can cheese private crucible matches a certain way so it only takes a minute per game instead of the normal 15
Edited by Zoidberg: 9/16/2024 5:43:20 AMYep. Not doing this. It's 10 years of dedication thrown in our face. I've seen better 10 years tributes from abusive relationships. This **** is dumb af.
Have to work on your RNG stat Mine is 100 and I get am engram from every add I kill
Just be luckier.
Time padding because they're desperate to keep players for that "play time"
Have an alt start the mission Cold Boot from the New Light campaign. While in the Skywatch part you'll get more pink bars (orange bars by default).