Title. Have had an issue since pretty much day 1 where I cannot progress Spiders quest requiring me to go into Vespers. More specifically I'm stuck on I believe part 6? The one which requires you to shoot the numbered panels in the first encounter?
The numbered panels do not spawn in for me.
I was in a run prior to it and I had the first part of Spiders quest accepted but haven't gone through the steps while the host was already on numbered panel section. He cleared it, mission done, went to do another run to do the rest of the mission, and now I'm stuck.
I'm assuming this bug happened because my quest step wasn't where he was and their completion didn't retroactively count for my mission, but the game still thinks I completed it so it won't pop up?
I've heard if you join someone on that same step and host it then it may pop up for them, which should count for my completion but I don't know anyone still on the step and it's hard to really look for that specifically via Fireteam.
Anyone else have this issue? Is there some workaround besides joining someone on the same step?
PS: Tether is also still disabled and that makes me a bit sad :/
Hello there, you could leave and then relaunch the activity without erase the checkpoint and then try, do that as many times needed until it work, I hope this help
That's message 4 on step 6 of the quest you're stuck on? Been there for two weeks with the same issue as you, I was hoping this update was going to fix it.
Hi there, Thank you for your report. We are aware of players reporting this issue and are investigating.
i'm stuck with the same problem on step 6 of this quest and it's been like this since the launch of the dungeon.
I'm glad you got a response on this. I play Xbox One and PC and have been stuck on message 4 not being available as well. Luckily I was able to reaquire the quest with a previous fix, but no luck here completing this step of Rogue Nerwork.