Xenophage damage Is bugged and not doing the same damage as it was last episode
In the previous episode, Echoes, Xenophage was doing 65,932 damage to an Angelic in the Garden of Salvation raid. In the current episode, Revenant, Xenophage is doing roughly 57,629 damage to an Angelic. Both clips have the same setup, featuring one Solar Surge and Radiant. There are also other instances where Xenophage is dealing less damage. For example, the Knights in Prophecy and the Knights in the Verity encounter in Salvations Edge are also receiving less damage.
Xenophage is currently doing less damage to any enemy that is not a boss. Please investigate why Xenophage is dealing less damage this episode compared to last.
Thanks! Would like to see this get added to the known issues list or a explantion to why xeno is doing less damage :)
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