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1/17/2025 6:01:47 PM

shaxx focusin

Ive been locked out of focusing anything at shaxx from the competetiv playlist for over 3 weeks now and its getting really annoying. I have been wondering if I were to reaquire a riposte if it would unlock it for focusing but as far as I am aware there is no way of getting it other than focusing
#Help #gameplay

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  • It's a long standing bug that they're aware of, there is unfortunately no ETA on a fix date.

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    1 Reply
    • I have the same issue. I completed all my placements. 3 weeks ago now, Im told now I should be able to just do 3 a week and can focus whatever. Only thing available is rose. An others are grayed out saying to do my placement series quest. Its infuriating to say the least... hopin it gets fixed.

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