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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Guardian1219: 2/14/2025 1:23:11 PM

A quitting template.

Good [morning / afternoon]. I can no longer take it - I am completely [angry / fed-up] [exhausted / tired] [sad / confused], due to the state of Destiny. Let me just say, I am a D1 vet and have been playing since the pre-alpha sub test phase and have cleared each raid solo over a hundred times, so I know what I am talking about (there is a bug that won’t allow me to link my profile - just trust me, bro). After much thought and consideration, I am leaving. This is because I [was killed in Crucible, and it hurt my feelings] [was ‘forced’ to play an activity I don’t like] [wasn’t able to access content I never paid for] [will never be skilled enough to complete [X] activity]. It is clear at this point that Bungie, a 3.6 billion dollar company, views [Hunters / Warlocks / Titans] [content creators] as their favorites and caters to them alone. In closing, I’ve had it! I am uninstalling the game and will never play again (a bug isn’t allowing me to delete my characters. Trust me, bro). While I am leaving the game, I will remain on the forums, as I’ve developed a deeply seeded Stockholm Syndrome for Destiny. So please look out for my future posts. I have such clear insight into software development and business that I might just start my own AAA title - I’ll keep you all informed as I embark on my [i]#lifejourney[/i]. [See you star-side] [Eyes up guardian].

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  • 😂 You get a 🍪

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  • This made me laugh harder than intended

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  • [quote]Good [morning / afternoon]. I can no longer take it - I am completely [angry / fed-up] [exhausted / tired] [sad / confused], due to the state of Destiny. Let me just say, I am a D1 vet and have been playing since the pre-alpha sub test phase and have cleared each raid solo over a hundred times, so I know what I am talking about (there is a bug that won’t allow me to link my profile - just trust me, bro). After much thought and consideration, I am leaving. This is because I [was killed in Crucible, and it hurt my feelings] [was ‘forced’ to play an activity I don’t like] [wasn’t able to access content I never paid for] [will never be skilled enough to complete [X] activity]. It is clear at this point that Bungie, a 3.6 billion dollar company, views [Hunters / Warlocks / Titans] [content creators] as their favorites and caters to them alone. In closing, I’ve had it! I am uninstalling the game and will never play again (a bug isn’t allowing me to delete my characters. Trust me, bro). While I am leaving the game, I will remain on the forums, as I’ve developed a deeply seeded Stockholm Syndrome for Destiny. So please look out for my future posts. I have such clear insight into software development and business that I might just start my own AAA title - I’ll keep you all informed as I embark on my [i]#lifejourney[/i]. [See you star-side] [Eyes up guardian].[/quote] Saxplayer 7

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    1 Reply
    • I thought “quiet quitting “ was all the rage these days…

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    • “Not what Hall and Oates intended”

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    • 1
      Goo Baby
      Goo Baby

      Here - old

      You should sell this template for money. Why give it away for free? Seems like a waste of talent and profit…

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      1 Reply
      • Wow this satire is so funny wow lmfao af dude haha. You sound like one of those who turned the game into this toxic, uninviting elitist trashcan that it is in the current state. Because of people like this, the casuals left and now you elitists are stuck with this dead game in a horrible state. GJ :)

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      • Quitting Response Template - [Get gud / Bye Felicia / Ok, see you next week]

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        3 Replies
        • Sounds a like a skill issue. KWTD.....

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        • This has destinycirclejerk written all over it

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        • Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 2/15/2025 9:44:48 AM
          NOOOOOOOOO! Destiny 2 - Bungie needs you! Players like you are the backbone of this prospering franchise. The game was never in a better place. Sony put so many resources into it. They hire day and night to extend the remarkable experience of Destiny 2, which is without the same. $3.6 billion by Sony paid for the company is even more worth than $69 billion Activision paid for Blizzard Entertainment, judging by some Destiny 2 player logic! The servers are cooking. There's so much variety. The game's overturning itself with creativity. Bungie's a real outlier with their consumer-friendly agenda. That has an example character. Don't quit! The developers and "car-park-Pete" could be shed to tears. You're a big part of the team and are important to carry on the prosperity of Destiny 2 with countless new - never-before-seen content coming!

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        • Sounds like someone listens to streamers lol

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        • Is there a Pulitzer Prize category for forum posts? This wins, if so. :)

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        • lol absolute gold !

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        • Omfg lmfao. As I saw this post, a quit post with basically this statement was right above it 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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          2 Replies
          • Beautiful post☺️🤣

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          • That’s it I quit

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          • Honestly the most accurate one I've seen. Well done.

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          • There is only ONE solution to your Problem. Time to invest in Helldivers 2. Arrowhead is more attuned to gamers needs. Helldivers 2. It is your time to join.

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          • Please post video of you deleting your vault, inventory and characters before finally uninstalling

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          • D1 alpha vet here … you should add that in

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            4 Replies
            • You forgot to address this to bungie

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            • 😂

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            • [quote]Good [morning / afternoon]. I can no longer take it - I am completely [angry / fed-up] [exhausted / tired] [sad / confused], due to the state of Destiny. Let me just say, I am a D1 vet and have been playing since the pre-alpha sub test phase and have cleared each raid solo over a hundred times, so I know what I am talking about (there is a bug that won’t allow me to link my profile - just trust me, bro). After much thought and consideration, I am leaving. This is because I [was killed in Crucible, and it hurt my feelings] [was ‘forced’ to play an activity I don’t like] [wasn’t able to access content I never paid for] [will never be skilled enough to complete [X] activity]. It is clear at this point that Bungie, a 3.6 billion dollar company, views [Hunters / Warlocks / Titans] [content creators] as their favorites and caters to them alone. In closing, I’ve had it! I am uninstalling the game and will never play again (a bug isn’t allowing me to delete my characters. Trust me, bro). While I am leaving the game, I will remain on the forums, as I’ve developed a deeply seeded Stockholm Syndrome for Destiny. So please look out for my future posts. I have such clear insight into software development and business that I might just start my own AAA title - I’ll keep you all informed as I embark on my [i]#lifejourney[/i]. [See you star-side] [Eyes up guardian].[/quote] You forgot the part where they go on to tell us all about the other games they're going to play that are so much more fun and interesting than Destiny.

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              14 Replies
              • They would be much better off not listening to the top 10 PVE streamers for sure. PVP streamers are probably mostly healthy but the PVE side is very out of touch and it’s a miserable experience trying to make it through a thirty minute video to explain one dungeon encounter. I know I’m not willing to help pay for streamers to fly to Bungie (very suspicious anyways) and get horrible feedback

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              • 🎶 Tommy used to work on the docks 🎶

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