I don't really play PvP or Raids, I just...Patrol.
I can redraw every single detail of the map of Nessus from memory.
One time I Patrolled in the EDZ for 12 consecutive hours.
You are probably thinking "Why would you do that? It sounds like a waste of time!"
Well, that is exactly why. I love wasting time, especially in Patrol. My friends call me the Patroller.
No new PvP maps in years? Doesn't bother me, because I'm too busy patrolling.
New State of The Game article? No mention of patrol, not interested.
I never buy Season Passes, unless they come with more content for patrol.
I was upset when they vaulted Titan, I enjoyed patrolling that destination.
I’m just a silly guy that likes to patrol.
[spoiler]I hope the new showcase has news for Patrol.[/spoiler]
EDIT: When I first typed this up, I was trying to be funny, so I exaggerated a bit in this post and tried to be a bit satirical…even though I do love to Patrol. So thank you to everyone who posted positive and encouraging comments and shared memories of their patrolling experience!
No one calls me the “Patroller” (Not yet anyway) and Idk if I can draw a fully detailed map of Nessus (I can try though) however I DID patrol the EDZ for 12 hours, if I find the screenshot of the Destiny Tracker Session timer I'll update this post.
Patrol isn’t the only thing I care about but it does make up quite a big chunk of my total play time. My total play time for D2 is 1,243 hours, according to Destiny Tracker. And I have 549 hours in “Explore” activities (Patrol) so, about half of my total play time is spent in Patrol. Lol. Maybe I should be called the “Patroller"...
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Not stealing your thunder, but I do now go by “A Patrolling Guardian”. On the off chance I ever mistakenly queue up for PvP and manage to kill somebody with my sub-par skill, I’ll get a good chuckle out of it. -
A Guardian has to hold down the fort while we go kill Gods so I don’t see an issue
The entire game should transition into being a Massive World Patrol+Exploration, with various zones that offer higher challenges. Very much like the Dreaming City & Shattered Throne, you should be able to just walk into any Raid or Dungeon at any given time while Patrolling. Same goes for Nightfalls. D2 would thrive with a more open world+MMO model of this nature. Have public Dungeons & Raids just like ESO.
There now needs to be a title for patroller. Do 10k patrols on each planet. It would be the rarest title ever.
"[i]The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.[/i]" - Bertrand Russell
nothing wrong with this, yes you are missing aspects of the game, but im free to play so xant access lots anyway
Patrol really feels like a part of the game that was never capitalized on. Like we have these beautiful open zones, yet the loot they drop will never be worth it over the usual grind.
I do love just spending time patrolling. Very casual gaming and allows for a wide variety of builds and gear. I do miss some of the sunset patrol locations and the lack of any similar old style patrol locations since The Throne World. I can take the higher level challenge of Neomuna in small doses, but it isn’t as much fun and The Pale Heart isn’t even a random public patrol area. I call it the Empty Heart. Sure hope there is a public patrol location in the next DLC. Though recent DLCs and seasons have me a bit worried about that.
Enjoy the game how you enjoy the game. I spent hours in destiny patrolling the cosmodrome. There was soooo much to do on it that I could play for hours on end. While friends played trials and complained I enjoyed just riding my sparrow killing captains as I found them. I wish destiny 2 would give us all the cosmodrome back.
Edited by STARKILLER2258: 2/16/2025 12:58:18 AMI patrol, do bounties, and try out new weapons by shooting enemies, trees, buildings, birds, insects, and sometimes planets if I see one in the sky. My main purpose is to piss away ammo.
I found my people here, fellow patroller.
Patrol is one of my favourite activities on the game. There's such a wide variety of places to explore and it feels like I discover somewhere new every time I launch in. Just the other day, I was going through the veles labyrinth lost sector for the new exotic quest and realised I had never explored there before. Some of the best locations in the game are in patrol zones and some people haven't even been there. Hopefully, Frontiers follows through with this.
Patrol is the true endgame
This post was posted a few months ago. This one is just copy paste. I don't remember if you are the OP
Now imagine that they made a single player RPG set in this universe
You do you patroller, my cousin is a gambit main he loves it, do what you enjoy guardian
Patrol getting difficulty tiers, bosses, loot, etc would be amazing. So many wasted areas.
Bro, change your name to iPatrol
Who gave you permission to leave your patrol duties to make this post? Expect a write up immediately!
Play how you want buddy. Glad you’re enjoying the game Mr.Patroller.
The guardian we need, but not the one we deserve. Keeping all the new lights safe I applaud you.
Explosive Light! - old
Glad I'm not alone! I like taking Lorentz Driver out there and pretending I'm actually hunting real baddies instead of the same dreg that's spawned there for seven years. Hoping for a vehicle buff or spawning item at some point too cause I could drive around for HOURS, but anything I steal somehow gets destroyed pretty quick by enemies. Especially on Neomuna. Why can the Psion drivers oneshot my Interceptor, but theirs takes three or four hits! -
I’ve never considered myself a “patroller” and I play quite a bit of almost everything. But somehow I’ve got 832 hours in patrol lol.
Hello fellow patroller my record was 18 hours.. I got so engrossed in my own game I made up…
I used to act like I’m in an episode of “Cops” and roam the destinations doing patrols and public events, especially in D1 lol. I wish the destinations had The Pale Heart treatment.