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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 04.23.10
4/24/2010 4:22:18 AM
bungie!!! what have you done?!?!? with default controls you cant jump and use both analogue sticks and with bumper jumper you cant use your jetpack and use both your analogue sticks...oh right...jetpack will be used with the jump button...or it better be...also LEGENDARY EDITION IS TOO OVERPRICED!!! don't want statue...just want flaming head. *crying* also box is too'll look stupid walking out of a supermarket holding a massive box like that...seriously. apart from these problems that im having; OMG Halo REACH beta *sqeals* yay! I think i just went from an A student to a D student...There has to be a way to get flaming head without paying and extra $50 or something...depending on where you live...please? mabye i can use that claw thing with your fingers or whatever...or mabye you can press down on your right analogue stick for jump/equipment! [Edited on 04.23.2010 8:25 PM PDT]

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