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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
10/26/2008 11:21:35 PM

Choose your own horror (for reals this time!)

Alright, some of you may recall [url=]this thread[/url] in which I essentially took a character, gave him zombies, and made the whole thing a total farce. That was all well and good, but I think I owe you guys something a bit more serious this time around.  I know I've been saying this for months now, but this could literally be the last thing I write on this board before I'm gone. So, in the spirit of Halloween, I give you the revamped (pun intended) and revisited "Choose your own adventure"...horror style.(All rules in [url=]this thread[/url] still apply) ----------------- Kevin woke up with a throbbing headache.  He could barely remember anything about last night.  All he knew was that he had gotten drunk, met a girl, it was a full moon, and then everything else was blank. Vomiting in the toilet made his hangover a little better, but he still felt sick.  When he looked in the mirror, Kevin's eyes were drawn to several long scratches on his neck.  He shrugged, figuring it must have been a wild night. He walked into the next room and sat down on the sofa.  The television was already on and Kevin saw a breaking news story about some sick people in Los Angelas.  He changed the channel.  [i]Everyone's sick in Los Angelas[/i] he thought to himself. To his surprise, the same news story was playing on that channel, and every other channel he flipped through.  "What's this?"  he muttered.The newsanchor was in the middle of a sentence, "to please head straight to the hospital.  Proper measures will be taken to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you." At that moment there was a knock in the door.  Kevin opened it to see several polices officers standing before him with grim expressions on their faces." something wrong?" The officer closest to him nodded, "We need you to report to the hospital."  Eyeing his neck, the officer suddenly drew his baton, "Please don't resist us, we're trying to help you." "Uh huh," Kevin said slowly, staring at the baton with a heightened sense of anticipation. [i]Should Kevin:1. Resist the officers.2. Go to the hospital peacefully.[/i] [Edited on 10.26.2008 3:23 PM PDT]
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  • Kevin pulled the car to a stop and locked the doors, ignoring the zombies outside.  "Look at me, Eileen," he said fiercely, trying to break her from her trance, "I'm from Chicago.  I moved to Los Angelas because I wanted to be an actor, my favorite book is [i]The Firm[/i], I'm twenty two years old and my mom died in a car accident when I was ten.  Now tell me about yourself." Eileen was sweating now and her finger slowly moved towards the trigger, "I'm sorry Kevin." Kevin grabbed her by the neck and pulled her close, "Don't say sorry, just tell me about your life.  Think!" Tears began streaming down Eileen's face and she pressed the gun against Kevin's chin, "Just shoot me now Kevin...please." Kevin shook his head, "I won't shoot you...and you aren't going to shoot me.  You're stronger than this.  Now tell me, where are you from?" Eileen was sobbing now as she said, "I was born in Los Angelas.  I grew up wanting to be a police officer...but then I decided that I could help more people as a scientist."  She lowered her gaze and the gun fell from her hand, "And look what I've done.  I almost killed you because I was too stupid to fix this on my own." Kevin pulled her into a gentle hug, "This isn't your fault."  He stroked his hand through her hair as he spoke, "And even if we die here, I want you to know that you saved me." Eileen pressed her face into his shoulder, crying openly, "How can you say that?  I'm the reason you're infected." "And if you hadn't infected me...I'd be dead, or under control of the Queen.  I don't know which is worse."  He pushed her back and smiled, "Whatever happens, I'm glad I met you." Their faces were inches apart and Eileen's lip quivered as she looked into his eyes and after a long moment she sat back, "I'm okay." Kevin nodded, "I told you." "So...why didn't you become an actor?" Kevin laughed, "Have you been to the movies lately?  I'd rather become a zombie then let someone catch me in one of those films." Eileen laughed and then glanced up at the building across the street, "Is that it?" Kevin glanced over his shoulder and nodded, "Looks like it."  From the brief glance he took, he saw two entrances, one from the roof and one at the front door. Eileen shook her head, "I can barely keep her out of my head right now, how am I supposed to control myself in there?" "You stay close and any time you feel like killing me, just grab my hand." Eileen smiled slightly but then shook her head, "It's better if I stay behind.  Safer for both of us since she obviously can't control you." [i]Should Kevin:1. Go alone through the roof?2. Go alone through teh front door?3. Go with Eileen through the roof?4. Go with Eileen through the front door?[/i] [Edited on 11.05.2008 6:16 PM PST]

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