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6/9/2005 11:21:43 PM
I havnet read the next chapter yet but it sounds nice.I was going to read it tomorrow but it sounds to good to waist another day. [Edit] Oh my friggin god.That friggin black ship was so friggin cool.I didnt even friggin know that a friggin UNSC ship can be so friggin cool.Where those other friggin guns friggin plasma turrets(no really i want to know).Will there be ever a small fleet of those.(this i also want to know)All it friggin needs now is a friggin ship sized beaam rifle.(If anyone remembers the covenant had something like that in i belive fall of reach).i friggin wish the friggin chapter had friggin ended a little friggin better though.I wouldnt friggin be suprised if the friggin UNSC had no friggin idea what the frigg that elite was showing. [Edited on 6/9/2005]

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