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9/7/2005 5:21:22 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prowlaz [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] karma2343 My family has barely any money, but I have found out how to help otherwise (consider this advise): - Donate as much food/drinks/clothes as I possibly can - If you're in some sort of student-school program thing (like ASB), try and convince your school to organize a fund raiser. - Spread the word anyway you can: web blogs, sigs on forums, telling people in real life (obviously), etc - Participate in any fund raiser activity you possibly can. See, even a poor person can help out : )[/quote]NO ONEe said they couldnt... but I cant afford a shirt and my dad WONT buy one and my mom is in debt to my dad so she cant do -blam!-... plus she is sick... with diarea real bad ... not to menton she has kidney failure and needs a transplant... we aree giving clothes so we aree helping... but either way right now... they aree gonna have to get money from someone else... [/quote] Im sorry to hear about your mom... but I never said people where too stupid to come up with anything, I was just giving some ideas. Calm down man, we're all on the same side.

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