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12/2/2012 4:38:56 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] teh Chaz I have the opposite problem, I'm way too light. I weigh like, 125 pounds max and that needs fixing but I'm not sure how since I can only get about 2 gym sessions in per week,[/quote] Well, gaining weight isn't terribly difficult so long as you eat right and lift right. Diet is literally 75% of making muscle gains, it's so incredibly important but so many people overlook it. 6 months ago, I was 6"3 and 140 pounds. Now I weigh 175 and i plan on gaining at least another 20 pounds. Why are you unable to go to a gym? Not enough time in your day? [Edited on 12.02.2012 8:40 AM PST]

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