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1/2/2013 9:59:50 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frasier Crane [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RECON828 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xanarxses What would be the benefits of going to a gym? Of course keeping in mind that I stay dedicated.[/quote] I joined a gym about two months ago, after I'd had a lapse of exercise since going to university. I immediately knew I'd made a good choice. The people are friendly, I was inducted and well-informed on all the equipment and the chicks wearing tight clothes all the time doesn't hurt either. As for actual benefits, there are quite a few. The equipment and machinery open up a whole new range of workouts that just aren't available to you at home. You can still do all your home exercises like crunches and push ups, but then there's also the resistance machines and more weights than you can shake a stick at. There's also treadmills and the like for cardio, though I personally prefer to do my cardio outdoors. The people are friendly and help out. Depending on your gym, there'll also be events and classes for you to sign up to and maybe even a pool or tennis courts or a dance studio, or something. It's a good way to try new things and get into new sports, if you feel like you're up to it. Really, it's not that expensive. You're definitely getting your money's worth unless you're going to the wrong gym, and for me personally it also serves as something of a motivator. When you plan to go, you have to properly schedule it and make sure it's worth the time. When you're actually there, the whole vibe and seeing everyone else going at it gets you pumped as well, so it makes it a lot harder to slack off. That's just my piece on the matter. I'd definitely join, even if you don't want to make use of all its facilities.[/quote] Sounds pretty sweet, but tell me more like, the aftermath of all the working out and anything else. Anyone else willing to throw their experience and other stuff. Go ahead. I'd like to hear more.[/quote]What do you mean, aftermath? You get fit, healthy and look better. [/quote] Well yeah, can you expand on that point?

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