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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
7/7/2007 11:03:03 AM

The Flood 7: The Emperor's Death Game.

Right, well, for those who are both interested and uninterested in reading, I should best fill you in on what exactly I'm writing about. Around about one year ago, I started a series of stories in which I used characters from this forum and put them into my story. To fully understand this story, you should be well acquainted with the backstory of "The Flood." You can find them in their original forms with the links. [url=]The Flood 2 is here[/url] [url=]The Flood 3 is here[/url] [url=]The Flood 4:Parallel Worlds is here.[/url] [url=]The Flood: Liberty Lost can be read here[/url] [url=]And last, but by no means least, The Flood: Death Games can be found here.[/url] (Note that there is no "Flood 1." At least, not one that is directly involved with this story.) Of course, there is the Colonel Corbec Club, where you can read all of the stories I'd done uninterrupted. Finally, I may well have some space for new characters. That means[b] you get to be in the story![/b] Well, depends kind of. It's all rather blurry at the moment, but PM me if you're interested. Thank you for your time and please enjoy the story. [Edited on 07.07.2007 3:09 AM PDT]
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  • [b]Napalm, Napalm, Everywhere.[/b] [i]The Next Day.[/i] Osoona and Tedi Slayer wondered whether their escorts actually knew where they were going, given how many twists and turns they kept taking through the undergrowth. They had arrived quietly in an unmarked Jeep exactly a mile North of where they had last met Corbec, using a dirt road to get there. Driving along and somehow avoiding the now highly active Forsaken elements swarming the region after Corbec’s performance, silenced weaponry shot out the wheels of their vehicle, immobilising it. A voice asked for them to exit the crippled car, and two Floodians appeared as if from nowhere, since they were so brilliantly camouflaged. At gunpoint, the two Floodians directed them through the natural maze of trees and bushes. Osoona and his companion had no idea though that they were in fact being walked past an intricate web of hidden positions dug out by the Floodians. They used natural gradients to make hill-side bunkers and flatter sections of ground to construct makeshift labyrinths that could be used to trap and mislead enemies but also as trenches for defence. Concealed snipers had managed to get the hang of leaping from tree branch to tree branch after plenty of practice, and at least one was following the two criminals, completely unnoticed, at all times in this manner. Only after being totally misled with unnecessary diversions on the trip, Osoona and Tedi Slayer were left alone in a small clearing in the forest. They looked to one another, utterly confused and lost. “Sorry about all that.” Corbec said, suddenly appearing beside the two gun runners, making them cry out in surprise. Corbec was exactly as he was yesterday, wearing the bandana and sunglasses, minus the Kevlar that his fellows wore. However his face was now smeared with camo paint, making it a bizarre mix of green, brown and black rather than his natural pigment. His stolen AK was in the same position as before, hanging from a shoulder strap so as to provide the people at home with the best view. “What? Haven’t you heard of camouflage before? You passed at least a dozen of my people on your way here!” Corbec laughed. “Surely you’ve seen enough of it to know what it looks like!” “Alright, alright. So you can sneak around.” Osoona said, wiping curls of sweat-laden ginger hair out of his eyes. “Very well, I might add.” Corbec said. “Look. What are we going to do against Pyroshark?” Osoona said, getting straight to business. “Well...” Corbec walked to the centre of a clearing, where a time-weathered rock lay, and sat down on it. “We only have, what? Three hundred and twenty or so people, all said? There’s over two thousand of them, so we can’t achieve much by trying to engage the Forsaken across their island. Even just by tackling them, and keeping the Forsaken wound up, our people would be systematically destroyed.” Corbec realised he started sounding like one of his Generals, but couldn’t care less. “What we need to do is concentrate our numbers then smack them to pieces one part at a time.” “And how do you suggest we do that?” Tedi Slayer spoke up. He clearly didn’t fancy taking on over two thousand people with not even a quarter of that number on his side. “Hit them where it hurts. Important ammunition dumps, fuel depots, motor pools. Heck, these people even seem to have farms, so we burn those and they run out of food.” Osoona nodded, not really adding anything to the conversation. “In fact, if I remember correctly, there’s some kind of communications centre at the Northernmost point of the island…” Corbec rubbed his chin then called: “Tartan!” A soldier, looking more like an item of the scenery with a layer of Kevlar underneath than a human being, spontaneously appeared from the edge of the clearing. “Sir?” “I want the location of that Communication Dugout confirmed ASAP.” “As you wish, sir.” With that, Tartan promptly turned and vanished into the forest, leaving Osoona and his comrade staring at where he had last been. “Hey! Hey!” Corbec said, clicking his fingers to get their attention. “Alright, I’ve got a plan. We mass our forces around wherever this communications centre is, and effectively wipe out their ability to talk long-range all in one hit. How long will it take for you to get your people sorted out?” “We could be ready by about this evening…” Osoona replied, still amazed by Tartan’s disappearing act. “But hold on! You’ve got that fleet out there!” Tedi Slayer interrupted, making a good point. “Its got Battleships, Aircraft Carriers and all sorts! Can’t you just use that to do what you want?” Corbec smiled at this. “We can’t rely on Artillery to do the job, it might not be accurate or powerful enough. And we can’t use air strikes, because the area might be covered by Forsaken AA weapons. So, chances are we’ll need to flush it out the old fashioned way, with blood, tears and sweat.” Corbec explained, then perhaps unnecessarily added: “Besides, we’re obligated to the public to provide quality entertainment.” “Hold it!” Tedi Slayer shouted. “You’re saying we should risk our lives just so that we can get ten minutes of fame on TV? I don’t know what you think will happen, but if that’s you’re attitude, then we won’t be coming along.” “Hey! Shut it!” Osoona snapped at Tedi Slayer, annoyed by his outburst. “Sorry about that. We’ll go along to take out this communication place, but on one condition: It’s not us that go storming into the breach. I don’t want my people getting killed for your sake. You will lead the charge.” And so the agreement was met: Corbec’s tiny band of highly trained and equipped volunteers would be joined by three hundred or so arms dealers, escaped convicts and untrained cannon fodder. The Floodians would find the communications centre, and all that Osoonas mob had to do was find their way there. They would hopefully attack late in the evening, trash the place and then get out before the Forsaken moved a substantial force over to pen them in. “So now what?” Pyroshark asked Squirrel Dude and Snap. They walked through the cold, hard concrete corridors of one of the island’s hardened bunkers. The three of them were discussing the next course of action to take in regards to Corbec’s sudden arrival on their island. Quietly, and about ten feet behind them at all times, followed Pyroshark’s mysterious [i]femme fatale[/i] friend. “Well, we do have a plan. And…” Squirrel Dude replied, non-verbally handing over the end of his sentence to Snap. “You are familiar with our inside man…” Snap said, smiling.

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