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6/11/2014 5:21:37 PM

"Official Gameplay Experience Trailer"

[url=/en/News/News?aid=11557]"Official Gameplay Experience Trailer"[/url]
#News #Destiny

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  • io lo provato ed è fantastico

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  • [quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=11557]"Official Gameplay Experience Trailer"[/url][/quote] Bungie.... PLEEEEEASE tell me that there is more to the character customization than the few options we saw at the character creation screen. Two Worlds 2 had a TON of character customization abilities beyond what was in the beta, and as it stands right now every player will be exactly the same height, build, and 1 out of every 10-12 people will have the same face, hair, and eyes. Jason is in this video advertising our ability to be able to create ourselves as an individual .... and the choices are extremely limited. :o/

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  • They gave xbox 6 days and playstation 6 days so stop complaining :/

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    • Thayer gave xbox 6 days and palystation 4 days so stop complaining :/

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      • As a "gaming greybeard" I have to say I really enjoyed the Beta - glitches 'n all. I am not a big fan of multiplayer - having much slower reflexes that the younger generation - so did not try it out. Dying every few seconds holds little or no appeal! The game graphics were excellent - a very pretty game - if somewhat repetitive when finding yourself in the same cave over and over again on different parts of the map. Didn't like the idea that you could only discard weapons and other items rather than sell to the shop. Did like the idea of allowing recovery of key components for future use. My one compaint is the weapon stats comparison - using bar graphs and green/red is OK-ish but I much prefer numerical comparisons. Checking weapons against each other means you have to load one as the primary and this is poor mechanics in my view. Much easier to have numerical values (as an option if you must) so you can look at your weapon stats more easily. Just two at a time means you cannot make use of weapons as effectively when in combat - or anywhere else for that matter. As a single player, and one who is keen on long-distance killing, I felt the sniper rifles could have done with more ammunition per clip - but that's just me and my playing style. I'm not good on melee but have to say that playing this game has improved me. If the single player story line is good then I am looking forward to September. I believe that we don't get to keep our Beta characters which is a bit of a shame really as there is no advantage gained if multiplayer is levelled and none for single players either. But if we all lose that we all lose that - seems somewhat harsh though, Bungie. After all, the Beta event was to help you improve the game and iron out glitches, make improvements and presumably generate more income as a result. Not exactly hard to reward the hours of play testing you got for free by allowing us to keep our characters. Just a thought.

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      • Bungie said destiny beta would be open till 12am est..... this SUCKS

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        • *This post needs edited*

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        • Everyone should really stop bitching because whatever you're so butthurt about over the beta remember its the beta not the actual game the beta was a test to see what they need to fix.and most of you here are complaining ant helping which you should be doing by calmly stating what's wrong and giving them ideas on how to Fix it is what you should be doing not just bitching and whining and not getting anywhere with your -blam!-in statements. Helpful criticism is one thing but just bitching and moaning about all the problems without giving any idea of how to fix them is not gonna help the final product to become pleasing to everyone. And also you everyone else needs to compromise on some of the gameplay since half of you says one things wrong and other and other half thinks that things are alright the way they are.

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        • I think that the Hand Cannons need their reload speed needs to be improved for them to be effective in battle.

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          • The beta and the multiplayer were great! A few concerns was that I have was that the story wasn't that hard to beat the AI, even on the hard setting. The story missions also seemed a bit "boxy" and small. Just like go this way, go that way. One thing with the multiplayer is that I always seemed to start with special ammo, and so did others. So at the start of the match everyone just started blowing each other away with shotguns and snipers. Which was a bit frustrating at times.

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          • They gave xbox 6 days and playstation 4 days so stop complaining :/

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            • Edited by matthew: 7/29/2014 1:34:06 PM
              And that made halo 3 which in my eyes is best game ever my old gt got banned so don't think I am some noob

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            • No its pvp is great how is. It unfair when u play cod is that unfair because the more you play better guns u get.8/10 games the more u play the better stuff or guns u get they done a mint job with this game I agree it could need touching up but stop crying the beta had to end at some point everyone like it in one way or another pvp and pve are good because they ended it 9/10 people will buy game to continue playing if they keep beta open who will buy game when they can play it free

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            • Bungie STEVENSO was very rood. This is what he should have said. Bungie can u plz let us trade with friends :(

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            • Come on bungie let's play destiny

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            • I love the single player but I am not a fan of the multiplayer.

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              • The beta to Destiny was absolutely amazing! The story was very intriguing and going to the Tower and meeting lots of new people was very cool! My only problems with it are the weapons, level cap, and multiplayer. There isn't a whole lot of variety when it comes to guns, there is only 3 primaries 3 specials and 2 different heavy weapons. So with the auto rifle shooting so fast and fusion riles and shotguns being instant kills its no reason why the multiplayer is so unbalanced and very dull, because every one uses them. So I think it very unfair for some new players going into PVP. But since there isn't a whole lot of different guns it ruins the game play. Also I'm not for sure if it is or not but from what I've seen the level cap is level 20 and that seems SUPER low and very easily obtainable, so I hope its at least in the 40s or 50s. Other than there not being alot of variety of weapons (from what I've seen in the beta), multiplayer being unbalanced, and small level cap the game looks like it is gonna be absolutely astonishing! I'm really looking forward to this game, so please give it all you got Bungie!

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                3 Replies
                • I bet there's gonna be a charlie after a beta for like 4 days.

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                • I really wonder what is in The Vault of Glass?? Anybody have any ideas??

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                  5 Replies
                  • The beta is awesome.i cant wait till september!I NEED DESTINY NOW!!

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                  • has any one else taking ages to download his on xbox one going on to my 9th hour

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                    6 Replies
                    • Please 1 more week. Its to good to not play longer.

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                      • Worst PVP ever super unbalanced

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                        6 Replies
                        • The titans are so op in the pvp, I play one and they really need to be tuned down.

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                          • Bungie you should make it easier to switch charachters

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                            • If anyone has a Xbox 360 code I would highly appreciate it I just preordered it today but they couldn't give me a code I guess

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