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originally posted in: SO MUCH FOR TOLERANCE
Edited by Firehawk991: 7/22/2014 9:23:57 PM
Because the Christians have been in bad news alot lately. Now the human mind is easily influenced by news. If you keep telling a country that grass grows better with Water with sugar in it. They will believe it. Especially when you show some statistics. Why say this? Well, since we are accepting everyone for who he/she is, more and more. No matter what sexual prefence they might have. Now when a Party says it's a disgrace and against my believes so they shouldn't have the same rights as that party has. Like Christians and gay marriage. They aren't tolerant. And they get bad publicity around the other people. Now imagine, that we see every Christian the same. They all want to ban or prevent Gay Marriage. Not so hard hey? Now the Atheists see a Christian (Innocent or not) they go bashing him, Because his religion is intolerant against homosexuals. But He might not be. But his religion is. Prejudice runs on both sides. Intolerance as well. This will never end. It's like Isreal vs Palestina. Xbox vs PS. Capitalism vs Communism. It never ends, because we cannot rise above this. It just shows how primitive we are. How stupid we can be and how idiotic we will become.

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  • Boohoo it's sooo hard bein a christian. You are Christian because hundreds of years ago the Christians had better salesmen, period. Now you're mad because you have a terrible PR firm over there in your business,-sorry, I mean church. Don't like the way the "media portrays" you, get better representatives and stop blaming other people. This is the way it works.

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  • I'm not a christian?

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  • Well that makes little sense... Atheists claim to be devotees of science... Well, start with the human Genome Project and work your way down to recent statements by the APA that reparative therapy might work- everything in science points to homosexuality being either a defect or a choice. (Sorry, but it's true.) So why would these "devotees of science" reject science for identity politics? ...and no, I'n not a Christian.

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  • Oh and read this.

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  • Edited by Firehawk991: 7/22/2014 9:28:06 PM
    Atheists first of all do not believe in the excistence of dieties. So that's where Christians and Atheist collide. Now, atheist that seek to diminish Christianity, use this intolerance to but them in a bad light. Now about the Genome Project, The fact that it is "A Choice" isn't the point. The point is that Christians forbid this choice. Try to hinder there rights. That is why christians now a day are looked at alot differently.

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  • the human mind is easily influenced period, look at how many people blindly believe a book written 3000 years ago by man.

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  • [quote]How stupid we can be and how we idiot we will become.[/quote] Indeed.

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  • Sorry that had to end with: How idiotic we will become.

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  • I know man, just messing with ya. It was too perfect to resist :-)

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  • The irony in your comment is in implying that the Christian faith is intolerant, a false assumption propagated by the media. The breakdown is in the semantics of language. Our society has gradually moved towards a passive-selfish definition of tolerance and away from an active-selfless definition rooted in love--love of God and love of neighbor being at the heart of Christianity.

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  • Christians being intolerant isn't something propagated by the media, sorry to tell you but i have personally experienced it with parts of my family. Also, the Salem Witch Trials called, they would love to have a word with you regarding the subject matter.

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  • You are referring to individuals; I am referring to the dogma of the Catholic Church which holds at its foundation, love of God and love of neighbor.

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  • actually you are the one referring to individuals, which ARE the ones torn apart by the media. witch hunts were not localized to Salem, they were everywhere. It was no individualized ordeal.

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  • No, actually I'm not. I specifically said "the Christian faith," which the media tends to generalize based on individual actions (or radical movements in the case of Salem) rather than the actual teachings of the Church.

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  • Edited by Firehawk991: 7/22/2014 9:23:11 PM
    Not just the media. Everyone generalizes everything. <----See? What I was trying to say is, Humanity is shit. We cannot live on equal terms with each other. Those that strive for it are called "Idealist" those who say it can't are called "Realist" That's a problem.

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  • I agree, and I know that I am just as guilty when it comes to making generalizations sometimes. The key for me is to catch myself early on, then focus my efforts on bettering myself. Patience and mercy are key, with others and with ourselves.

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  • Just to be clear, the Christian Church(meaning the universal, everybody who's a Christian) should not be intolerant of homosexuals. They should be against Homosexuality. They should "hate the sin, not the sinner." just like God.

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  • Aye, but tell them that. Try to educate someone of their own beliefs and what do you get?

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  • Precisely

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  • Agree

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