Recently we [url=]J A A M Clan[/url] have been posting tactics in the feedback section of the forum to help other players meet the demands in a PVP world. We were just wondering what are your tactics? One most notable tactic is the JAAM sandwich best described as coming at an enemy firing from both ends simultaneously. Thus leaving the opponent no option but to curl up in a ball. A good example of this here in HD ....
So tell us what tactics you bring to the table and help your fellow guardians prevail!
Sponsor by [url=]J A A M Clan[/url] ..... Shame or Glory ....
Movement is life. Overwhelm with offense.
Based on my experience my tactic seems to be... Run-> Capture Zone-> Run-> See enemy-> Shoot-> Miss-> Die-> Respawn and repeat until Supercharged-> Unleash Hell on one person-> .... Back to top....
Edited by Caraweezey: 8/4/2014 10:14:32 PM[spoiler]The basics: 1)Set up a base of fire. Some one throwing everything at the enemy suppressing them keeping them in cover. 2)Set up a flanking team to assault the enemy go around the side or back. While they are being suppressed by the base of fire. 3)Throw a grenade to get them out of cover then mow them down with machine guns. 4)Sniper teams: one concentrating on sniping while the other with an assault rifle protects him from incoming enemies in close quarters. Have several camping spots planned out in a given map change spots when detected. 5)Setting up Defense. Each member has a designated area covering 360 protection intersecting areas of cover. Have a Quick reaction team to either flank/assault/reinforce the most hard hit positions. Edit1: Stay in cover during movement. One team is covering fire as the other team moves towards the objective and switch team roles until everyone makes it to the objective. Edit2: don't try to be a hero. If a team member is down in a open area needs reviving leave him. It's a trap to lure people out to snipe them. After all it's a game they'll be alright.[/spoiler]
Generally try to get the first two capture points then move between the two and pick people off, sometimes I'll hover around one point if it keeps getting contested. I usually die a lot, but I get a good amount of kills and points
Edited by Meatonyourbuns: 8/4/2014 9:45:51 PMHonestly just avoid fights you can't win
Shoot in a direction and hope for the best.
I play it like I play any other shooter, usually just avoid wandering in the middle of the map, pay attention to the spawns, and take my time/not rushing and getting destroyed. It's second nature to me now so I have trouble explaining my tactics, I just play the game.
Shoot first ask later...worked so far
I try to shoot the face....preferably before they shoot me.
1. Run 2. Shoot 3. Cap flag 4. ??? 5. Profit
Point and shoot. Quite simple really.
Edited by AyersyBears: 8/4/2014 10:18:25 PMGenerally shoot bad guys, avoid getting shot myself. Don't seem to be particularly great at either. :P In all honesty though, go for a capture point that doesn't seem to be the centre of attention, and try to pick off anyone who realises that I'm capturing it.
I kill the enemy and stay alive , my team can handle the flag capping.
My battle tactics: 1. Shoot bare mans. 2. Dont die.
If an apposing player is coming at you head on and not afraid...he's most likely about to use his super
I have a set of rules ever since halo 2: 1. Never reveal more than the first rule to outsiders.
Run around, shoot at people, cause chaos, and get killed. Teammate run in get the kills.
I'll wing it
Edited by cRaZyT101: 8/4/2014 9:49:48 PMRush in and shoot whatever my aim assist leads me to.
Best tactic, "Don't Die!". Unfortunately doesn't work well for me.
Find people. Shoot them.
Played a lot lone wolf style, but that's not to stay I wasn't tactical. It's situational, really; the gameplay is fast so I'm switching between offensive and defensive play a lot. Of the general things I do, one important one is to watch your motion tracker. Someone's too close, take out shotgun and two-piece them (Shotgun followed immediately with a melee attack). If there's no one around on the tracker, move so that they are. Keep track of where your team is and isn't. Movement is important; running and jumping are vital to get into powerful positions quick enough, but you don't want to be caught on the move in a firefight, especially at mid-long ranges. At longer ranges the motion tracker is not as clear on where the enemy is; use this to your advantage. When in mid-long range fights, switch positions when you need to, and then dig into a position for the accuracy bonus and hopefully a kill. Don't be afraid to back off; if possible, get aggressive. Flank wide and pinch off the enemy with your teammates. Use grenades as both area denial and to help down enemies, they are very useful. Map knowledge also helps a lot.
Don't tell anyone this because it is highly classified. I hit the L2 button followed by the R2. Works every time.
Heres one of my tips for control, Go to the objective (which you do or dont control) which no-one is attacking/has attacked for a while, there is bound to be 1 or 2 enemies there, kill them, if there is more, hold them off and tell your team mates that they are heading to that objective and how many are there, this will help you control more zones Another lil tip for you guys, you can tell how many enemies are capturing a point by seeing how quickly the point is being capture, if it goes slowly, go and kill em, if it goes quickly, prepare an ambush. I tend to play aggressively, and I am very successful, always tend to be MVP and get decent KD's
Dance! Dance! SHOOT!! Dance some more.