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8/17/2014 7:31:07 PM
This is my mom's motto on parenting: "Let them do what they want within reason. Children are naturally rebellious and if they are allowed to do something, they probably won't do it, but if you drive it into their heads that they aren't allowed to do it, I guarantee they will, at the very least, try to do it. " Your parents sound like average bible freaks who need to get their head out of heaven and start living in the real world. I don't know if your story is real, but I think it's written very well and shows whats wrong with many people's parents. Sheltering your children will not make them better in life, it will just make them unaccustomed to what life is. My sister has down syndrome and she play all sorts of violent games and watches all sorts of violent shows, and she's never hurt anyone, other than average temper tandrums that even sheltered kids with down syndrome have. She has morals and knows what's wrong and right. People that will commit violet acts are mentally or genetically pre-disposed to do so, they don't need any motivation from video games or movies. They do it because they were born -blam!-ed up in the head.

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