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9/15/2014 3:05:38 AM

PvP no longer fun?

I find myself no longer enjoying the PvP in this game like I used to, and I will explain why. I want to keep the discussion civil on both sides, and I would like to hear your input. At first I found the PvP to be immensely fun. It was mostly just gunplay, and the fight came down to who had the better aim. You would occasionally die from a super but I was ok with that. Now I find the PvP to be immensely frustrating. Everyone has a good shotgun with ridiculous range. It seems like every time I come around a corner I'm eating a shotgun to the face or getting sniped from far away. At this point I think there is too much special ammo on the map. You can literally run with a shotgun, sniper, or fusion rifle the entire match. The shotgun seems to be best, since most the maps revolve around close quarters combat. This is a problem, because one hit kill weapons especially the shotgun are much easier to use than the primary weapons. Any noob can use a shotgun and slide around and get kills. This problem is further impacted when blink is unlocked as now everyone is blinking around with a shotgun. The one hit killing really gets out of hand now that everyone is level 20. Everyone has so many one hit kill abilities. Whether it is the titan's stormfist or the hunter'a bladedancer. It just seems at this point that I am mostly dying from one hit kill weapons, or abilities instead of having those intense gun fights. Special weapons and abilities are fine to an extent, but at this point it just seems like overkill. My suggestion would be for Bungie to reduce the amount of special ammo drastically. I don't think it's fun running around with my shotgun that holds 20 rounds all game long, and I don't think it's fun dying instantly 50% of the time. What do you guys think? Do you think the PvP has gotten worse as the game has wore on? For me it started fun as it mostly revolved around gun fights but now it seems it's just one big shotgun war, or I'm dying from some random ability. Also if you think it's because I'm bad I am not, I'm actually a pretty good player. Let me know what you guys think, and remember to keep it civil! TLDR: As the game has wore on the amount of one hit kill weapons/abilities in the PvP has become ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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  • Totally agree. It was fun, gun skill based at first, now its shotgun, fusion rifle and super filled instadeath matchmaking.

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Capt Explodabob: 9/15/2014 5:28:17 PM
      PvP felt like a lesser version of Halo at launch, in that it wasn't as good, but close enough to enjoy it. Now PvP is an unbalanced mess; P2P doesn't help, either. I've stopped playing altogether. Waiting for Nov. 11.

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      • While I'm still loving the PvP, it probably would be a good idea to reduce the special ammo significantly. Or take specials out of PvP all together. Keep the heavys but rely on primarys most of the time.

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        • I agree with you about the special ammo. It should be like the heavy ammo. It should spawn in every so often. But you should still spawn in with 1 mag of special ammo. I think the shotguns range is just fine. Most of the shotguns are actualy useless. You half to find one that has the range and good fire rate to be viable as a primary. I would just love a game mode that does not have supers in them

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          2 Replies
          • Totally agree with OP, far to many one hit kills in PVP.

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            • Fusion rifles and shotguns are the bane of legitimate PvP in this game.

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            • This makes me think of gears and how obsolete everything is compared to the gnasher :D

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            • I think there will be changes in a patch to fix this. I would also expect to see some balancing with primary weapons also. I was using an Pulse Rifle in PvP which was much better than it was in beta and doing really well then I switched to an Auto Rifle and there is no turning back. I assumed the Pulse rifle was better at range but its not, the Auto Rifle needs a little recoil to make it a little harder from range. I've gotten pretty good at not dying to Shotties by keeping distance and then jumping out of range as they are closing. The problem then is that I get taken out by the second guy who has a fusion rifle :) The other problem is if your playing control and you are forced to get in shotgun range. So you need to use a shotgun to counter or wait for your special before closing in. Kind of annoying because the gun play is great when you get the chance.

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              2 Replies
              • I have fun doing control and clash. I take responsibility for my characters inadequacies and just play to win and play for fun.(not saying you guys don't) So I like it.

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                • i hope to see a gametype without class abilities, yeah it may seem like old school halo, but everything being a big shit fest right now with all the supers and 1 shot guns. Atleast balance the things in pvp.

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                  • can we all just agree that controlling the special ammo drops is a necessary tactic to keep the enemy from shotgunning the hell outta you? as the mantra goes, if you cant beat em take there special ammo drops away and spam the shit out of the shotty close range and fusion rifles any where from 0-1000ft. this stuff is annoying, yes, but we are all under the same ruleset, those who adapt and use these limitations will win PvP.

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                    4 Replies
                    • First of all, I find the hunter's golden gun way more fustrating than anything else. A level 6 one shotted me when I was a level 16 and on a five killstreak. Shothins are less effective than the Dammenrugs and things like that.

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                      • My beef lately has been the mismatch between teams. I can be on a team with level 2 or 3 guys and level 26 guys. I don't know if there is some sort of leveler on multiplayer that tones down high level gear or tones up low level gear. Just doesn't seem fair to have level 6 guys getting blasted in the face by level 25 guys because their weapons are OP.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I agree with you and the problem I also have is the maps, some of the maps are way to big for 6 people. I just hope they add some stuff to keep it balanced or make better game types, in Halo Bungie created some of the best game types. One being oddball and etc.

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                          2 Replies
                          • i agree, some people can play an entire match with a shotgun.

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                            8 Replies
                            • I completely agree with OP

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                              • For me it's just adapting to other peoples game play. I do pretty well and I mainly use an auto rifle the whole time. You just have to pay close attention to the radar and choose your engagements. Just at the moment everyone's play style is shotgun because it is easiest. The game hasn't even been out for a week yet. Play styles will change and people will have to adjust. IMO the only weapon that is overpowered in pvp is the fusion rifle. It's ability to one shot someone from 20 yards away is absurd and frustrating. It may take awhe to charge up but all you have to do is sit behind a wall charge it then right as it is about to shoot pop out.

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                              • Most of thesd comments are just funny. You know how to avoid a shotty? Dont waLk down small walk ways then you know what you are going to find you keep dieing to snipers . slow Your as down and play accordingly u dnt have to sprint cause some ppl do. Only ithing I agree eith is maybe there is to many osk options but to be honest it is almost needed cause in my exp you r not going to win many two on one fights in this game.. folks are entitled to there opinion bu I dont think anything needs nerfed.

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                                5 Replies
                                • I seem to be a Super Sponge in pvp, people even revive me just fast enough to get supered by the next guy :p on a serious note: I do well enough in pvp with my handcanon, but there are allot of OHK moves in this game that no matter your skill level, youll be gibbed and its really anoying when you get OHK, but 30 seconds later when you kill 3 guys with 1 super all standing at the relic, its "fistpump" time and "ohyea" eat that bitches time. Or when that hunter that just arcblade capped you, walks around your corner and straight into your shotgun its good, but then 10 seconds later he cuts open your back again its bad. Its all relative and while i hail from a year of playing Dust 514, getting used to not run 87/3 on a domination map, its gonna take a while to get used on the frantic nature of this pvp type.

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • Leave my shotgun alone. The game as a warlock is already annoying cause all you have to do is fart in my direction and I'll drop dead, so I like the balance between being extremely squishy at a price where I can move quickly around the map and use blink to get close up and put my shotgun in your chest. Getting in a shootout with same skilled person as I am but he's using titan or hunter is a death sentence unless I am specced full armor sacrificing my agility. Also, you think blinking with shotgun is annoying then wait till you play against some one who's blinking around the map one shotting people from mid range with fusion rifle.

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • Make it so you lose all your special ammo on death?

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                                    • [b]PLAY RUMBLE[/b] I was about to give up on the crucible before I played this mode. Being killed by supers is rare because there are no teammates dropping orbs so you must actually earn it. I actually get into 1 on 1 gunfights which is rare in other modes. It actually takes skill to come out on top which is great.

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                                    • Its just another reason to get better and take down the noobs with shotguns before they see you

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                                    • Agreed, but if you nerf special ammo, what about special weapons that do take skill like the sniper? I'm used to the Halo powerweapon spawns where you have to fight for this kind of stuff. But here you get it at the start and you can switch mid-game if you like. Nerfing shotguns could be a solution. Heavy ammo drops are fine imo.

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                                      4 Replies
                                      • Edited by General_Nonsence: 9/15/2014 2:43:59 PM
                                        increasing the rarity of green ammo drops and increasing the cooldown of ability(PvP only, a flat increase affected by armor modifiers) would be a step in the right direction.

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • Lowering special ammo would make it nore strategic. Have snipers fighting for those headshots. And shotgun ammo would be a momentum shift instead if a primary weapon. Specials add more fun and awareness. Like o shit titan is coming i should probly mive. Or ok blade dance lemme back up. It shiuld he about getting momentum

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