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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Motown XCIII: 9/17/2014 5:42:42 AM

Does anybody realize that Destiny is far from over....?

Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.

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  • No tl;dr? Disappointed but for arguments sake i will read this great wall of chin- i mean text. ...First i don't give shit if they have 50 games planned and over 200 DLC, when you start a franchise you make something that the players can attach themselves to. Final Fantasy the first one had characters with no name, no background, and STILL had a better story than destiny :O and by this i mean it delivered what needed to be delivered. Destiny went "oh...yeah i don't have time to really explain much just read the grimoires." This is just shitty...seriously bad planning. If i wanted to go read something online i'll read...i don't -blam!-ing know an ebook or something. When i play a game i expect the story, what little there may be, to be in game. Not only that but there are times when your "ghost" starts talking about random shit...and just as abrutly as he brought up whatever, he stops and says nothing much. "The hive hollowed out these tunnels" or whatever the sentence how? when?...go on? nothing. Not to mention the Speaker and his famous "i don't have time to explain why i don't have time to tell you wtf is going on while you died." This is no "good" introduction, this is a "here's the gameplay for the next 10 years you can expect...oh and because we should have a story here is some half baked story so we can say we did something." Please let's not compare this to halo....for the 100'th time,'s getting tiring and in no way has destiny come close to halo from my perspective in terms of anything but gameplay, which i love from destiny but still... Actually i played skyrim for a few days and after the main story, which was complete trash, was disappointed. I don't play games for -blam!-ing side quests. Skyrim is basically oblivion which is basically morrowind just a lot more please don't be comparing them to this as they don't relate. You seem to be mistaken, there are only what...9 total gun types in this game? 3 of which is just 1 gun split into 3 types (semi, auto, burst...-blam!-ing sad excuse for a gun, we have switches for rate of fire now why don't we have this in the future?). So that's really only 6 gun types, which is split into 3 categories...and look at that, 2 for each :D, i'm pretty satisfied myself with enemy types and don't care much for the planets number, more so on the size of the areas but that's minor. Just more gun types OR OR OR OR if not gun types at least make a variety of guns for each type...because there is almost no differences other than the perks and even those are very limited. Do you really understand how -blam!-ing easy it is to code this? it isn't hard. Never bought halo DLC or bought into the xbox bullshit so don't even bring that crap up, I have only once paid for "DLC" and that was XCOM Enemy Within, yeah, so -blam!- you that was actual DLC not this shitty shit. As for CoD, as i said before, it has gun "types" but make up for it with a shitload of guns in each type, something destiny lacks, so there is always something fun you can pull out. I made a class purely for knifing in cod and that gave me weeks of challenges. The campaign at least gave some resemblance to a story unlike destiny and although destiny, imho, has a superior gameplay and graphics, it lacks a ton of other things. Now i'm going to go back up here to this bullshit statement about investing in a company. Now, if i were to invest in a company i would expect this title to be something like "early release" or "beta" or "alpha" because at least then i know i'm paying for something to be done. At the moment i paid for something that doesn't seem finished to me. It has amazing parts and then others seem like they went "ah -blam!- it let's throw it in production and PROFIT!" Do you realize that this is not an investment, you paid for a game that they cut corners on so much that they can afford to give you weekly releases and shit until they run out of that periods "budget" and start on the next "sequel" and continue from there, while also pitching you DLC that you will pay for. tl;dr? Destiny -blam!-ed up, though it has great gameplay mechanics everything else basically lacks heavily. The sooner you all realize this the better your games will be because companies will realize they can't get away with this bullshit anymore. 10 years ago we didn't have DLC, we had Expansion packs. We didn't have 10 hour stories we had 40 hour stories. The gaming industry quality has deteriorated at an astonishing pace...

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