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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Motown XCIII: 9/17/2014 5:42:42 AM

Does anybody realize that Destiny is far from over....?

Just wondering if there are people out there that realize that what we've played so far.. that 20+ hours you've put into this game so far is only the beginning? That the reason the "story" is lacking is because there really isn't one right now on purpose? That all we've seen so far is a brief introduction into the massive world Bungie is opening us up to (and a damn good introduction at that)? This isn't Assassin's Creed where you play it for 4 days, get through the story and be done with it. I honestly think we've only experienced a tenth of what Bungie has in store for us. Being an intelligent consumer you have to know what you're in for, the $90 I spent on this game is not for a 16 hour story and some silly side quests. It's an investment in a franchise from a company which brought us the likes of HALO. Let's have some sense comrades. I look at a lot, not all, but a lot of these complaints and when you break them down people are, in essence, complaining that they haven't played and seen everything the game has to offer yet. Bungie, over the next days, months, years, will be giving us more to play, see and do. Did you people play WoW or Skyrim for a couple days and then cry? No, because you realized that those games, like this one, are far from over after intro. I also realize that some folks are never happy. If Bungie had introduced to us from the very beginning, 4389142 gun types, 4378 enemy types, 76 different planets and such, there would be those that after racing through all of it in a week would still be unhappy. These are the people I pray for at night. I'm saying all this to basically say we need to give Bungie time to reveal to us what they have up their VERY LARGE sleeves. Stop whining about paying for expansions when I bet most of you bought all the Halo DLC when it was nothing but, if my memory serves me right, multiplayer map packs.... nothing to evolve the story like it is in this case... but different maps to shoot each other on... C'mon son... Let's give an ENORMOUS game like Destiny more than a week to prove itself.. I mean hey, you beat CoD in 10 hours and then shoot each other on the same maps for half a year before complaining.

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  • Okay... I don't understand what all the complaining is about, personally I love this game. It looks incredible, plays great, connectivity is above standard; the action changes as you level up, get new gear/ weapons and abilities... yes might be same places and same enemies but it changes upon how you play and who you play with. As far as the "hype" goes Bungie has to promote and advertise the game like everyone else, it's called marketing people. With that being said it is sites like IGN that do the over hyping and yet (predictable as always) once the game comes out they tear it apart and give it a bad review which then sets off a group think consensus. That annoys me almost above everything else, they have specials and countdowns and exclusives with the game makers (who tell you exactly how it's going to be) and they never speculate they always say, 'oh it's going to be great' until zero hour then all of the sudden the game sucks... ? We played the beta 2 months ago and everyone was like, "oh wow this game is great" and it comes out for less than a week and people dump all over it... huh... why? Bungie kept saying it is not a MMO it is a cooperative online FPS with some RPG elements, not a full fledged RPG, not a MMO FPS (like Defiance) but a co-op FPS (like Borderlands). We are getting exactly what they said they were making and delivering on it as well. They said we're going to have raids and... that started today and a few days ago lined up a bunch of cool stuff stuff coming up with special bounties and events just for this month and they have a 10 year plan for this game... did anyone not hear that or can conceptualize what that could mean beyond just a different colored sparrow? That means (to me) that they have a bunch of things planned down the pipe line, it has been one week exactly, not everyone is level 26 and bored, I get to play 8 hours a week and my only character Titan just hit lvl 18, it is a progression, a grind. I love it when one of those orbs drops, and I just found a blue one and seeing what it is, it is not always useful but when it is -- it is that much more exciting! I just unlocked the shoulder charge ability which has changed how I play the game and the multiplayer - it opened up new doors of play and I haven't even unlocked all of the abilities of that sub class yet and I still haven't even began to look at the defender class yet so once I max out I can start that and it'll be like starting with a new character! To me that's awesome. I understand people are leery as we've been burned before with empty promises like Defiance with it's long patch updates, sub par graphics, lack of customization, map that could expand yet never does nor plans to do so and pay to win micro-transaction system; GTA online that boasted heists and still hasn't delivered on, or a wide variety of create your own mission content which limits you as of now to races and death matches, just adding a gun here or there, most of the content being time sensitive and no expansions planned past Christmas sweaters for X-mas DLC; and Aliens: Colonial Marines (the end)... But everyone wet themselves over Halo that spawned like what 5 sequels, OK well... this is the same company that has not let you down for 6 games of the same franchise, where you played the same guy with virtually the same weapons against the same enemies for 6 games where the only thing different was the multiplayer map packs which in the end was the only reason why people played Halo... Unlike here where you create your own character, change weapons, upgrade them, upgrade armor, choose your abilities and play your way essentially. Yes you have to go from A to B but you can take C-Z to get there. (For the record I'm not a Bungie fanboy as I hated Halo but I can appreciate the fan base and what the company/ franchise did for the industry). Look as a FPS what more could you want as far as missions go, Borderlands had basically just go here, kill that, come back or go here turn on switches, kill things while your there come back with the exception of your vehicle had weapons on it and you got tons more loot but that was their selling point to have over a million guns... which they did 100 versions of the same pistol that had varying damage, effects and elemental based upon level and random chance and 90% of the loot was useless... Destiny didn't promise that, they never said a million guns, they never said tons of loot they also explained why your sparrow doesn't have guns on it, but if you look around you might find a pike or two in the world. Does the game have some issues, sure, what game doesn't, like getting Vanguard, Crucible and faction points takes forever and ever and I have yet to find anything that gives you more than 50 points a pop for each and I need 1600 to get to 1 mark and a lot of the stuff is 2 marks, this type of grind should be held off until i need 3 marks just so I have a taste and know what I am gunning for (no pun intended). The different "models" of sparrows are the exact same design with a different paint job and ships are just cosmetic representation of how much cash you saved up and you only get 20 xp for killing an enemy even the higher level ones, lens makers don't grind so much. And yes the open world is confined to a limited area (as of now) but at least you have the option but think about it so was Borderlands ya you could open explore but you were limited by your level and by the story, nothing different here... couldn't reach Mars until you finished Venus and you'd run into enemies with ??? for a level until you were high enough to face them. There are only 4 primary, 3 secondary and 2 heavy kinds of weapons but the variation of them is expansive for day one plus to which you can improve and expand upon and make better. Do grenades, and supers take a while to reload yes... but a couple of things the grenades are powerful if you had more than one it'd take the strategy and challenge out of it and two you can make those reload faster by paying attention to how much strength, discipline and light (I think it is) your armor and accessories give you. Do the classes have similar play styles, same weapons etc but it is their abilities and how you combine them and use them that make the game play different, plus customizing your look for me is exciting. The game could use better microphone and chat, and I am sure eventually raids will be matchmaking despite Bungie stating that they wont be and proceeded to explain why, but after enough complaining down the road they'll probably give in. Here's the thing... it is week one of a 10 year plan, 1 down 519 to go, with two expansions already on the works to be released in October and December I think. Weekly and daily events, raids, strikes, public events (which they said the next update will make it so that they happen more often like in the beta), competitive multiplayer with what at least 6 modes and at least 10-12 maps and Iron Banner has yet to come out too for all you hardcore people who want to show everyone else the work you put into your character by literally dancing on their grave (which I find more humiliating than T-bagging as odd as that may sound). If you looked at some of the videos of the pre-release and especially the Grimoire on the website/ companion app you'll see that 3 more planets are coming to the game: Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter... in game it was said that Mercury was a tropical paradise then turned into a machine by the Vex, Saturn and Jupiter are both gas giants so no surface play unless ala Bespin but they do have lots of moons plus I believe Saturn will have an abandoned spacecraft to explore and loot from as it's initial area. The back of the cards for ships and sparrows in the Grimoire under the inventory section has a section for how many you have built... perhaps we can build our own ships and sparrows in the up coming future (I haven't used spinmetal, spirit blooms or helium canisters for anything yet, have you?). The ships have what look like multiple weapon systems on them, perhaps that'll be an expansion. Also, if you look in your inventory screen you'll see a third slot for a subclass, maybe each class will get a new one or maybe we'll be able to create our own by mix and matching the two we have to create the ultimate legend. The Reef has spots of what look like could be future places as well as the current planets have tons of room for expansion as we only play on a small section, I've seen Old Chicago noted somewhere for Earth. The game takes place within the entire solar system so... we still have Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to go as well. The darkness might have huge space stations... who knows! I haven't made it to end game yet but if everything isn't explained just yet story wise then perhaps with further expansions will come further story line as I am sure the darkness isn't defeated at the end of the core game and if people are 26 now after one week I bet you dollars to doughnuts the level cap will increase multiple times over the expansions. The point is the game is a week old, that delivered what it said it was going to do, from a company that has delivered time and time again without disappointment, cut them some slack and give them a chance.

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